The Brotherhood Of The Bell

March 21, 2015


The first time I heard about the conspiracy theory of history was when I read Robert Anton Wilson’s book “The Cosmic Trigger” over thirty years ago. That wild volume detailed everything from the JFK assassination to Crowley’s black magic to UFO’s to LSD. An overwhelming mash-up for a novice, the kind of stuff that makes you yammer-on all wild-eyed and string too many events together. Gradually maturity sets in and tales of The Illuminati and secret societies give way to straight-up analysis of world politics. Now that I am truly getting old my thinking is beginning to come full-circle. Today, what we might refer to as “networking” or influence peddling, is much the same as ancient conspiracies of past ages. Beginning with Machiavelli writing “The Prince” (Florence circa 1500) through to Bill Clinton’s favorite college professor Caroll Quigley (Tragedy and Hope), insiders have revealed actual details of secret “networks” that are kingmakers and king-killers. World events actually are planned out and insiders stand to prosper greatly or suffer the consequences. Quigley, in particular, was very astute in detailing the inner workings of The Anglo-American empire. I have yet to crack the imposing 1300-page Tragedy and Hope – A History of the World In Our Time” (1966), but I have started with online analysis and recorded interviews with Quigley. And yes, Bill Clinton did indeed tip his hand to those insiders when he mentioned how much Quigley had influenced him at Georgetown. Quigley was the man who arranged for Clinton to become a Rhodes Scholar, which weighs heavily into this scenario.
Fast forward to the movie “The Brotherhood of The Bell”, a 1970 movie about a secret brotherhood that starred actor Glen Ford. Without giving away the plot (the movie is embedded at the bottom of this post) Ford’s character is a college professor that discovers that his entire career was due to the influence of his old college fraternity. The same “Brotherhood” then seeks to destroy him when he falls out of favor. The acting is pretty good for 1970, but the concept of the movie clearly reflects the actual secret societies such as “Skull and Bones” from Yale – the fraternity that fielded both George W. Bush and fellow “Bonesman” John Kerry in the 2004 Presidential election. What are the odds, huh?
What really struck me about this movie is that it is virtually unavailable to be purchased., where one can buy nearly anything on the planet – does not have “The Brotherhood of The Bell” available even though they list it and have one single review. Think about it; Glen Ford was a superb actor who appeared in dozens of movies, but this one is not available for sale. If anyone can tell me why, please inform us in the comment section below.
Fortunately, there are a few versions available on YouTube, and I have embedded the best copy below, I hope it works properly. This movie shows how secret societies work, how they leverage power, and how they build up and destroy people. I believe that much like the original version of “The Manchurian Candidate” – which was pulled from distribution for years after the Kennedy assassination, “The Brotherhood of The Bell” cuts a little too close to the truth for the power elite. Please watch the embedded version below:

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