Woo-Hoo! One of the absolute stupidest people in the U.S. Congress is finally calling it quits. That’s right, Michele Bachmann – the wild-eyed zombie-crazed...
Sources in Russia are reporting that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the Boston bombing suspect, was trained at a seminar by a right-wing think-tank. First, here is...
Recapping a week from hell recently; The Boston Marathon bombing, the Texas fertilizer plant explosion, Someone shot at a power plant in California, and...
In an interesting twist of intrigue, “Gawker” and other sources are reporting that The uncle of the Tsarnaev brothers was married to influential CIA...
Two news stories came out yesterday that dovetail perfectly in an examination of the current state stench of American capitalism. Here’s the first, from...
Yesterday’s death of British leader Margaret Thatcher signals the last “Iron nail” in the coffin of Thatcher/Reaganomics. The only places that display grief over...
Every time some underdeveloped nation (like North Korea this week) rattles the nuclear saber, I have to wonder about the long-rumored existence of “Space-based...
Ellen Brown at the excellent “Web of Debt” Blog has revealed startling information about our personal savings accounts. As many readers may know, the...
Tom Clements, head of Colorado Department of Corrections Was shot dead on Tuesday evening. The intrigue in this murder is reminiscent of the Killing...
Multiple sources are publishing information about a controversial study of Bigfoot DNA that alledges the creature exists. From Time.com: Bigfoot DNA ‘Evidence’ Is Published...
Controversies and conspiracy surround the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI this week, the first in nearly 600 years. For years this man, Joseph Ratzinger...
As the new film adaptation of Victor Hugo’s classic “Les Miserables” hits theatres this week, such stories of unjust imprisonment are seen largely as...
Raw Story reports: “A Komodo dragon in Indonesia has attacked two employees in one of the giant lizards’ protected island habitats, leaving its victims...
Raw Story reports: Japan’s Olympic female judokas were beaten with bamboo swords and slapped by their coaches, officials said, weeks after a schoolboy suicide...
Joseph Cannon at “Cannonfire” has re-opened a nasty wound that has proven troubling to the Obama administration: Was Anwar al-Awlaki a U.S. deep-cover agent?...
The excellent financial website “Zerohedge” has a strangely disturbing story up – The Germans want their gold back: –It Begins: Bundesbank To Commence Repatriating...
Salon.com is reporting on the latest Christian outrage: Yoga training in the U.S. military: “Tony Perkins, the head of the Family Research Council, a...
To begin with, I realize this series of books I am reading makes paid scientists like archaeologists and historians crazy. It just doesn’t fit in their books. But, as I have said, like politics realizing the power of podcasts and amateurs, novice people are picking up the pieces. This is the era of the citizen-journalist. […]
I know I am coming to this book late, but felt it necessary to read this (and others) from the native standpoint since I am also reading many books that seem to be about colonization. I, myself have perhaps been somewhat selfishly in sorrow for how our little seaside community is now turning into “Disneyland”, […]
1421- The Year China Discovered America By Gavin Menzies Let me start by writing that I am well aware that mainstream historians and archaeologists reject this interpretation, but for simple-minded readers like me perhaps, this book makes complete sense. Menzies was a submarine commander and knew ships, currents and winds – all the things needed […]
Was The Murder Of A Federal Judge An “Intelligence” Operation? The story of the Chagra’s, Charles Harrelson, and the murder of Federal Judge ‘Maximum” John Wood is a long and twisted mystery that has not quite been solved. The characters include; Lee and Jimmy and Joe Chagra, acknowledged hit-man Charles Harrelson, and Federal Judge “Maximum” […]
I learned quite a bit in reading this huge book, which probably was meant for college classes. Indeed, the author of “Continental Reckoning”, Elliot West, is a Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Arkansas. This book should be in an Economic or Law history class, and probably is. Author Elliot West clearly outlines […]