My Bigfoot Story

February 23, 2013

Home sweet home…

Multiple sources are publishing information about a controversial study of Bigfoot DNA that alledges the creature exists.


Bigfoot DNA ‘Evidence’ Is Published — But More Questions Are Raised
By Kristene QuanFeb. 21, 2013

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“Bigfoot exists and there is DNA to prove it, or at least that’s what one scientific journal is claiming, according to the Huffington Post U.K.
The study, published in the DeNovo Scientific Journal is a culmination of lead researcher Melba Ketchum’s five years studying alleged samples of the Sasquatch’s hair, blood, saliva and urine.
However, the legitimacy of the scientific journal that published the Sasquatch Genome Project is being questioned: Ketchum, a Texas researcher and former veterinarian, purchased the publication after her study, titled “Novel North American Hominins: Next Generation Sequencing of Three Whole Genomes and Associated Studies,” had been rejected by other journals.”
“This isn’t the first time Ketchum’s Bigfoot DNA evidence has been met with criticism. In November she released a statement about her Bigfoot findings, calling Bigfoot “a human hybrid” that had emerged 15,000 years ago through the mating of a human female and some other speciesunknown to science. She has called on governments to recognize the Sasquatch as “an indigenous people and immediately protect their human and Constitutional rights.”

Back in 1980, my best friend and I set up a remote camp in the coast range of Oregon, in the mountains 26 miles inland from Coos Bay.
We grew a few things, caught salmon, shot deer, elk, pigeons and squirrels. Every so often we’d re-supply with Beer and Whiskey, and occasionally make the trip to the University of Oregon to visit with some girls we knew there.
While we were building a shack to live in, we had tents and a cooking fire set up. One nice summer evening we were sitting around the fire reading old books by lamplight. Then, unexpectedly the freakiest strange thing happened:
Up on the ridge above us we heard a very, very loud scream. And I mean it went on, and on. You could hear brief pauses for whatever it was to inhale and scream again. It sounded, and I kid you not, like a woman being stabbed to death or something horrible like that…
We grabbed our rifles and our dogs were going nuts. There was no way we were going to truck off into the woods to see what it was, so we just sat by the fire with our guns and dogs. Just like it started, it disappeared and all was silent in the woods again.
Now, we were so far back in the woods that nobody knew where we were. You had to cross a river and hike a couple more miles to get to our hideout campsite. There is no way someone could have found us.
I have been deep in the wilderness, climbed mountains and hunted in the Pacific Northwest and never, never heard anything like that.
Now, there are some who say it might have been a Cougar. True enough. But this thing screamed with a human voice!
Years later I happened into the Western Bigfoot Society’s bookstore in Portland and told the guy this story. He was very, very interested and brought out maps to locate the scene. He also showed where other Bigfoot sightings had been in the area.

I’ll never know what it was for sure, but that’s my Bigfoot story, and I’m stickin’ with it.

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3 Responses to My Bigfoot Story

  1. Bob Patterson on February 24, 2013 at 5:34 pm

    Check this link out:

    The big problem is that the group of scientists who authored the paper bought the journal it was published in. This is not peer review.

    If they had found clean DNA and related evidence that did not fit with what we know about human ancestry, Nature or Science would jump to publish it. A discovery like that might win a Nobel so having it first published in your journal is a big deal.

    Bracketing out this study, I do think something is going on but I’m not sure what. The Native American cave paintings and oral tradition on Sasquatch is the part that I can never fully shake. Sort of like the Bentwaters UFO incident or the Phoenix Lights — something is going and people did see something. As to what, well, I’m not sure….

  2. DR on February 25, 2013 at 2:20 am

    This study was suspect, but a great entry for my weirdo mountain story…

  3. I on May 15, 2013 at 8:16 pm


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