“Killing Kennedy’s”

April 16, 2017

Deaths of JFK witnesses

Time to step away from the nightmare that is “Mein Trumpf”, and revisit the road-map to understanding how capital crime operates in the United States. That would be through a study of the Kennedy assassination, or assassinations, plural.

In a near-masterpiece summary (all versions are flawed) Abel Cohen has written an article that pretty much covers all the bases of the JFK hit. You can read it at this link:


Here’s one brief excerpt from “Killing Kennedys – Secret Team”

“Anticommunist commandos, hillbilly cops, and racist billionaire-rightwing political organizers are just the instrument. Bonafide plotters are few: a Secret Service official, several top spies fired from or never officially employed by CIA, a couple of generals, handful of senators, key perception managers, and a top cop like perennial FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

The actual faceless assassins have no idea who pays or gets them out of the country. They just know both the money and crossing the border are extraordinarily and unnervingly easy.”

Drawing from sources I myself have read (“The Yankee and Cowboy War”) Cohen walks us through the essential role-players, the cover-up and the aftermath of the assassination. It’s a brief read, full of barbs and pitfalls and realizations surrounding the horror of the coup in Dallas.
Please spend a few minutes and read this essay.

For further reading, see my article describing interviews I had with David Slawson, one of the last living attorney/investigators from The Warren Commission, linked here:


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