There is a method of controlling society that the elite have known about since the beginning of time; control through fear and intimidation to the point where people will beg for stable authority. It’s been called many things, but in our modern age it is generally called “the strategy of tension”. Here’s how Wikipedia defines […]
Hidden History
You need to know what’s really been going on…
The Crisis Of Democracy
In our ongoing research into what the hell went wrong with America – wealth and class inequality, police-state racism and the plundering of resources at the expense of the American people – we must look not only at government but at un-elected members of private think-tanks. The Anglo-American establishment is heavy with foundations, institutes and […]
The Brotherhood Of The Bell
The first time I heard about the conspiracy theory of history was when I read Robert Anton Wilson’s book “The Cosmic Trigger” over thirty years ago. That wild volume detailed everything from the JFK assassination to Crowley’s black magic to UFO’s to LSD. An overwhelming mash-up for a novice, the kind of stuff that makes […]
Review: The 2001 Anthrax Deception – By Graeme MacQueen
Nearly everyone alive in 2001 remembers the attacks on 9/11, but the anthrax attacks that followed have slipped from the collective memory or were explained as an odd event unrelated to the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Nothing could be further from the truth – the anthrax attacks were planned and carried […]
Review: The Plot To Seize The White House
From 1933 to 1934 there was a full-fledged plan to overthrow the government of the United States and install a military dictatorship, and only one man stood in the way to prevent it. Now that’s something they don’t teach us in school. Retired General Smedley Butler, a highly respected veteran of wars in Cuba, China […]
The History of Radical Seattle
Oregon and Washington are politically defined as “Blue States”, but only on the Pacific coast side of the Cascade mountains. The eastern sides of both states, with a rural agricultural base, are decidedly “Red”. After leaving Portland some twenty-years ago and moving to northern Washington, I began to understand the dynamics of the Seattle area. […]
Review: “Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola – Nature, Accident or Intentional?”
The fascinating research by Dr. Leonard Horowitz in “Emerging Viruses: Aids & Ebola – Nature, Accident or Intentional” is undoubtedly ahead of its time. First published in 1996, Horowitz peels back the layers of a viral onion, revealing deception in the biological research community as well as high government malfeasance. While AIDS is often viewed […]
Night Of The Long Knives, Part 2
Last March we predicted that the far-right government installed by the CIA in Ukraine would soon turn against the Nazi fighters that provided muscle for the recent coup. Now we see it happening as Ukrainian troops suffered huge losses against the breakaway Russian region. Here’s a summary from that article: “Just months after State Department […]
All The Senators Terrorists: John McCain, the Nazis and ISIS
Senator John McCain has been a very, very busy old crank. If you recall, when the ex-Soviet State Georgia launched a doomed attack on Russian territory, McCain claimed “We are all Georgians now”. This was in a vain attempt to rally the U.S. and NATO into clashing with Russia, a non-starter. As we will see, […]
More Evil Than Kissinger? How About Brzezinski?
When political researchers think about one of the original “Dr. Evil” role models, Henry Kissinger comes to mind. An unrepentant architect of international meddling, horror and human suffering, Kissinger proves that in a cesspool the big turds rise to the top. However, right now I’m plowing through Professor Peter Dale Scott’s “Road To 911”, perhaps […]