Zika Virus, Birth Defects, And Farm Chemicals In Washington State

February 14, 2016


Most readers are aware of the dire warnings about the Zika Virus. Brazil, a country that is bucking the petrodollar and aligning with Russia and China economically, appears to be ground zero. The flu-like virus has been linked to Microcephaly, a birth defect that causes brain damage and irregular head shape in affected newborn children. Those who live are said to have a very short life expectancy. Amid an alarmed population, plans for toxic pesticide spraying to control mosquito’s (allegedly the vector that spreads Zika), genetically engineered mosquito’s (programmed to die and slow mating processes) and new vaccines are ramping up while fear builds. Pregnant women are advised to avoid Brazil’s upcoming Olympics – something that would cause Brazil an immense monetary loss. But what is really causing the increases in these birth defects? Researcher Jon Rappoport has dug into statistics that indicate something other than the Zika Virus is at work here;

Rapporport writes: (excerpt)

“Here are quotes from the January 27 AP story, with my comments:

“RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — New figures released Wednesday by Brazil’s Health Ministry as part of a probe into the Zika virus have found fewer cases of a rare birth defect than first feared.

“Researchers have been looking at 4,180 suspected cases of microcephaly reported since October. On Wednesday, officials said they had done a more intense analysis of more than 700 of those cases, confirming 270 cases and ruling out 462 others.”

My comment: Stop the music. What about the other 3448 suspected cases? No word. What does this mean? It means so far, there are only 270 confirmed cases of microcephaly. It definitely means that. Will the researchers in Brazil check into the other suspected 3448 cases, or are they so embarrassed they’d rather quit the whole investigation and pretend it never happened? Because, you see, the whole story started rolling because of the reported 4,180 cases. Without those high (false) numbers at the outset, there never would have been a story or a high degree of alarm and hysteria.

AP: “But what that means is hard to say, according to some experts. It does not answer whether the tropical Zika virus is causing the babies to have unusually small heads. Nor does it really tell us how big the problem is.”

My comment: Exactly. Zika as the cause of microcephaly is completely unconfirmed. That’s un-confirmed. They jumped the gun. And they don’t know how many cases of microcephaly there are.

AP: “But the World Health Organization and others have stressed that any link between Zika and the defect [microcephaly] remains circumstantial and is not yet proven scientifically. And the new figures were a reminder of just how little is known about the disease and its effects.”

My comment: Wonderful. Not yet proven scientifically. How little is known. But on that basis let’s call Zika an epidemic spreading across the world endangering all pregnant women or women who will get pregnant. This I call Depopulation by Press Conference: “Better to postpone pregnancy.” Governments and health agencies issue dire releases and then remain willfully blind. Business as usual.

AP: “Brazilian officials said the babies with the defect [microcephaly] and their mothers are being tested to see if they had been infected. Six of the 270 confirmed microcephaly cases were found to have the [Zika] virus.”
(Emphasis added)

My comment: Let me get this straight. Let me read that paragraph again. Brazilian officials have confirmed only 270 cases of microcephaly. That’s all. Got that. And of those 270, only six, just six were found to have the Zika virus?? Are you kidding me? Six? And governments all over the world are claiming that Zika causes microcephaly, causes abnormally small heads and brain damage? What?

In case this is not clear, let me spell it out. You can’t say a virus causes a condition if the virus isn’t there.”


Let’s take another look at this type of birth defects. On the website “Farm Wars”, Barbara H. Peterson makes a very compelling argument that a recent outbreak of brain and birth defects in Washington State is directly related to the use of Glyphosate (commonly called “Round-up” among other trade names), primarily in farmland where a high worker exposure would be expected. Here are some of the important points of Peterson’s article, please read the entire piece for more details:

Glyphosate, Brain Damaged Babies, and Yakima Valley – A River Runs Through It


“The state of Washington is in a quandary. Reportedly, “A high rate of birth defects has confounded Washington health officials, who have been unable to identify a cause.”
A report released Tuesday by the Washington State Department of Health said that, since 2010, the neighboring counties of Yakima, Benton and Franklin have an unusually high number pregnancies affected by the birth defect anencephaly, which results in a newborns’ brains being severely underdeveloped.
In the U.S., there are approximately one or two expected cases of anencephaly for every 10,000 annual births. However, in the three named Washington counties, with a total population of approximately 515,000, the health department found that there was an abnormally high number of cases reported from January 2010 to January 2013 with approximately eight cases of anencephaly for every 10,000 births.
Anencephaly is a birth defect, almost always fatal, where the neural tubes in the fetus do not close properly. As a result, the forward part the fetus’ brain is not developed and the other part of the brain is exposed to amniotic fluid, causing further damage. Most fetuses that develop the defect are stillborn. Those who survive to birth usually die shortly after being born.”


“Interestingly enough, the Yakima river runs through Yakima and Benton counties, and ends at the “Tri-Cities Area” at Bateman Island, in a confluence of the Yakima, Snake, and Columbia rivers at the edge of Benton and Franklin counties. In other words, the same water runs through all three counties. And this water serves as the main irrigation source for the Yakima Valley.

The Yakima River and its tributaries have been heavily altered for the purpose of irrigated agriculture. There are numerous dams and irrigation canals. Irrigation runoff is in places returned to the river through canal drains

The Yakima River provides irrigation for the dry but fertile land in the valley, and irrigated agriculture is the economic base. Agricultural land totals 1,000 square miles (2,600 km2), including irrigated pastures, orchards, grapes, hops, and field crops. A significant portion of Washington apples and cherries are grown in the valley, as well as most (75%) of the United States’s hops. Since the late 20th century, the wine industry has grown rapidly in the area. It is the location of the Yakima Valley AVA, a designated American Viticultural Area.


Monsanto, Glyphosate and Weed Control

Enter the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board (NWCB):

NWCBIn the late 1960s, the state legislature established the state’s Noxious Weed Control Board, and authorized counties to establish County Weed Boards. Thirty-eight of Washington’s 39 counties have such boards. There are also a handful of Weed Districts that are contiguous with Irrigation Districts.


Yes, the state of Washington is waging a war against what it determines are noxious weeds, and Glyphosate is its main weapon. In fact, it is the only chemical weapon that is allowed near irrigation outtakes.

Page 59: Glyphosate – a 5% solution of Glyphosate with a suitable surfactant provides fairly good control in some areas and is the only chemical option available for use near irrigation water outtakes.


Glyphosate is also the main herbicide recommended for noxious weed eradication. Why? Because the FDA has declared that it is safe. And not only is the state of Washington using it on land and near irrigation outtakes, it is also entering the Yakima River through direct application because a lot of those pesky noxious weeds just love the water.

Water herbicides

The following herbicide active ingredients are allowed for use in Washington lakes and rivers under the Noxious Weed NPDES permit: 2,4-D: 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, dimethylamine salt 2,4-D: 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, butoxyethyl ester Fluridone: 1-methyl-3-phenyl-5-[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-4(1H)-pyridinone Glyphosate: N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine, isopropylamine salt Endothall: Dipotassium salt of 7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid Diquat: Dibromide 1,1′-ethylene-2,2′-bipyridyldiylium dibromide salt Triclopyr TEA ((3,5,6-tricholoro-2-pyridinyl) oxyacetic acid) Imazapyr (2-[4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-5-oxo-1H- imidazol-2-yl]-3pyridinecarboxylic acid) Recommended Analysis Methods for Herbicide Residue Water Samples


Benton County Herbicide Treatments:

2010 – 100% of the plants were treated in the Yakima River by staff from the Benton County Noxious Weed Control Board (BCNWCB). BCNWB started with a 2% solution of glyphosate and a suitable surfactant and later switched to a 5% solution of glyphosate with a suitable surfactant. Treatments were conducted from mid – July to mid-August.

2011 –The BCNWCB treated plants from Benton City to the Columbia River with a 5% solution of glyphosate. This resulted in very little control, estimated at less than 50%. Fewer plants produced flowers than in 2010 however it should be noted that plants do not tend to flower annually anyway.

2012 –The BCNWCB plans to implement control measures behind all irrigation district diversion dams using a 5% solution of glyphosate starting in July when the water level in the river decreases


So, with a directive from the state of Washington to eradicate noxious weeds with Glyphosate being the main herbicide recommended for that eradication both on land and in the water, one would think that the level of Glyphosate in the Yakima waterways would be monitored since this has been several years in the making. Think again.
The following reference refers to Glyphosate as a pesticide, although it is technically an herbicide – Regulatory Status: Glyphosate acid and its salts are moderately toxic compounds in EPA toxicity class II. Labels for products containing these compounds must bear the Signal Word WARNING. Glyphosate is a General Use Pesticide (GUP). This is also the most recent study that I could find:

Pesticide Occurrence and Distribution

An estimated 146 organic pesticides2 were applied to crops in the Yakima River Basin during the 2000 growing season (table 3). Estimates were based on county-level agricultural statistics from the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and were verified and corrected in interviews with private crop chemical consultants and agriculture-extension agents in Kittitas, Yakima, and Benton Counties. Data on right-of-way applications were obtained from State and local transportation departments and irrigation districts. Details of the pesticide compilation are provided by Ebbert and Embrey (2002). Seventy-five of the 146 applied pesticides (51 percent) were analyzed for this study, and of these 75 pesticides, 47 were detected (63 percent). Only glyphosate (Roundup®, Rodeo®) was applied in large amounts, but not analyzed in this study.


Anencephaly and Glyphosate

This is the smoking gun. Glyphosate has been linked to the same birth defect that the Washington State Department of Health reported to have found a high incidence of – anencephaly.
Rull et al. provided evidence of an association between maternal exposure to glyphosate herbicides and anencephaly, a type of neural tube defect, as well as with neural tube defects (NTDs) in general [71,72]–consistent with retinoic acid-linked teratogenicity.


Connecting the Dots

Now let’s connect the dots, shall we? Three Washington counties – Yakima, Benton, and Franklin – experienced an unusually high number of birth defects at around the same time as Glyphosate was being used extensively for several years to eradicate noxious weeds on land and in the water. That birth defect is called anencephaly. Could there be a connection?
It appears that Yakima, Benton, and Franklin counties just happen to have three things in common – the Yakima River, a noxious weed eradication program using copious amounts of Glyphosate for years on both land and in the river, and an increase in anencephaly, which Glyphosate just happens to be suspected of causing.
Considering the government’s propensity to ignore any connection between Monsanto’s Glyphosate and health effects, and the fact that the EPA just raised allowable Glyphosate levels, I think we can safely assume that the correlation between increased usage and these brain damaged babies will not be adequately investigated.

©2013 Barbara H. Peterson


So let’s sum up what we have read from the above articles.

Rappoport crunches the numbers:

-Brazil reports 4,180 suspect cases of Microcephaly since October
-270 were confirmed cases
-3,448 cases not confirmed, essentially discounted
-Of the 270 confirmed cases of Microcephaly, only SIX were found to be related to the Zika Virus.

While, on the other hand, Barbara Peterson’s investigation has shown that in Washington State – where there were NO reported cases of Zika Virus, a huge spike in Anencephaly – fetal brain damage similar to reported cases of Microcephaly – is very likely caused by exposure to the herbicide Glyphosate (otherwise known as Round-up). The herbicide is sprayed directly along water sources (ie: irrigation ditches etc.) to control weeds. That water is then pumped over to cropland where produce as well as agricultural workers are exposed.
Taking into account that Brazil is one of the largest growers and exporters of agricultural products, there is a high probability that the birth defects in that region are the result of herbicides and pesticides, not the mosquito-borne Zika Virus.
Who benefits? The chemical companies have swept their culpability under the rug. The vaccine makers have a new multi-billion dollar project. The GMO mosquito breeders get to try out their new “Franken-mosquitos”.

And if Brazil loses money on the Olympics, well, it’s just being punished for getting a little too close to Russia and China.


Check out this article in Tech Times


Larvicide Manufactured By Sumitomo, Not Zika Virus, True Cause Of Brazil’s Microcephaly Outbreak: Doctors
By Alyssa Navarro, Tech Times | February 14, 8:58 AM


“Pregnant women all over the world have been advised to take caution. The Zika virus infection has been linked to newborn babies with the birth defect microcephaly. This is a congenital condition in which babies are born with unusually tiny heads.
The notion, however, has recently been challenged by a group of Argentine physicians. The group suspects that the Zika virus is not to blame for the rise in microcephaly cases, but that a toxic larvicide introduced into Brazil’s water supplies may be the real culprit.
Not A Coincidence?
According to the Physicians in Crop-Sprayed Towns (PCST), a chemical larvicide that produces malformations in mosquitoes was injected into Brazil’s water supplies in 2014 in order to stop the development of mosquito larvae in drinking water tanks.
It is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases associated with the throat, nose, as well as for the treatment of gynaecological infections. Even little children can consume it. Most importantly, you should choose the dosage at https://antibioticspro.com mindfully and reasonably.
The chemical, which is known as Pyriproxyfen, was used in a massive government-run program tasked to control the mosquito population in the country. Pyriproxyfen is a larvicide manufactured by Sumitomo Chemical, a company associated [PDF] with Monsanto. However, PCST has referred to Sumitomo as a subsidiary of Monsanto.
“Malformations detected in thousands of children from pregnant women living in areas where the Brazilian state added pyriproxyfen to drinking water is not a coincidence,” the PCST wrote [pdf] in the report.
For instance, the Brazilian Health Ministry had injected pyriproxyfen to reservoirs in the state of Pernambuco. In the area, the proliferation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which carries the Zika virus, is very high, the PCST said.
Pernambuco is also the first state in Brazil to notice the problem. The state contains 35 percent of the total microcephaly cases in the country.
The group of Argentine doctors points out that during past Zika epidemics, there have not been any cases of microcephaly linked with the virus. In fact, about 75 percent of the population in countries where Zika broke out had been infected by the mosquito-borne virus.
In countries such as Colombia where there are plenty of Zika cases, there are no records of microcephaly linked to Zika, the group said.
When the Colombian president announced that many of the country’s citizens were infected with Zika but that there was not a single case of microcephaly, the allegations soon emerged. Some 3,177 pregnant women in the country were infected with Zika, but the PCST report said these women are carrying healthy fetuses or had given birth to healthy babies.”

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