USAID And Population Services International

July 20, 2015


By John Titus
Historically, U.S. Intelligence agencies have used “front” companies to disguise their activities. These have included banks, airlines, insurance companies, non-governmental organizations (NGO’S) and nearly every type of business you can imagine. In a recent article we interviewed David Slawson, an attorney/investigator for the Warren Commission inquiry into the assassination of President Kennedy. One thing Slawson said struck me as very curious; that Abe Chayes and Dick Frank of The State Department had removed files on Lee Harvey Oswald from the State Department and kept them away from the Commission’s investigators. Who were these guys and how did they have the clout to remove such files? Chayes as it turns out went on to represent Nicaragua in a case against the U.S. mining of harbors during the Contra war, and is named in some CIA briefing documents I found. Richard “Dick” Frank went on to run a company called Population Services International (PSI), a company that sells and promotes reproductive health products in remote areas all over the world. They work in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and Latin America and have been somewhat controversial.
In a recent Washington Times article, Steven W. Mosher – president of The Population Research Institute – wrote a critique that targeted PSI for sucking up government funding:

Zombie charities push population control! (Excerpts)
By Steven W. Mosher – – Monday, June 22, 2015
“As a conservative, I don’t have much use for foreign aid, preferring to support private charitable efforts overseas. But when Washington politicians began to dole out huge sums of money several decades ago, existing nonprofits lined up for their share of the take. Groups like CARE, Population Services International (PSI), and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) are still thought of as charities, but have less and less in common with America’s vibrant voluntary tradition. They are too busy administering population control programs for USAID.
Founded by a purveyor of sex toys, PSI initially received almost all of its funding from the U.S. government. There was, it seems, a natural fit between Phil Harvey’s porn business and USAID’s anti-population bomb agenda: Lots of sex and no babies. And of course there is the necessary back-up when contraception fails: PSI’s patented “Safe Abortion Kits.” Even today, with revenues of 349 million in 2011, PSI continues to receive the lion’s share of its funding from USAID and European government agencies focused on population control. PSI would scarcely exist but for the vast infusions of government money that it receives on an annual basis.PSI is, in effect, a mask worn by Western governments to avoid the unpleasantness that would ensue if U.S. officials themselves were to tell Africans or Latinos that they were having too many children. Better to let employees of a government-funded “charity” — possessing an incomprehensible acronym instead of a proper name — give them the bad news.”

In my opinion, lots of sex and no babies isn’t such a bad thing, if it is all voluntary. But there seemed to be something much deeper to the story. Here is one comment from the job review website “”

1.“Has become increasingly bureaucratic and caters to donors excessively. There can be too much secrecy as well, especially when it comes to sharing important findings and such with competitor organizations.”

So let’s start by taking a look at USAID and the kind of activities that this agency has been involved in. first, from “Democracy Now” (excerpts)
“Is USAID the New CIA? Agency Secretly Built Cuban Twitter Program to Fuel Anti-Castro Protests”
“”U.S. Secretly Created ‘Cuban Twitter’ to Stir Unrest.”
That is the name of an explosive new article by the Associated Press detailing how the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) created a fake Twitter program to undermine the Cuban government.” –
“According to AP, the United States planned to use the platform to spread political content that might trigger a Cuban Spring, or, as one USAID document put it, “renegotiate the balance of power between the state and society.”
“At its peak, it drew in more than 40,000 Cubans. However, its subscribers were completely unaware they were using a U.S. government program and giving American contractors their private data to potentially use for political purposes. Perhaps most shockingly, the Cuban Twitter program was not paid for and run by a spy agency such as the CIA. Instead, it was the brainchild of USAID, the U.S. Agency for International Development, best known for overseeing billions of dollars in U.S. humanitarian aid.”

And this from Mark Ames at – (excerpts)
“In a number of countries, including Venezuela and Bolivia, USAID is acting more as an agency involved in covert action, like the CIA, than as an aid or development agency.”
—Mark Weisbrot, Center for Economic and Policy Research Last week, we learned from the Associated Press that USAID (United States Agency for International Development) — the government agency which manages billions in overseas “humanitarian” aid programs — plotted to overthrow Cuba’s communist regime via a covertly-funded fake Twitter platform.”
“What really seems to be weirding people out here is the shock realization that USAID — the nice, humanitarian, democracy-promoting arm of American idealism — also engages in sleazy regime-change and subversion. The sorts of nefarious covert activities folks normally associate with the CIA.
Not that this is news to PandoDaily readers, of course: Earlier this year, we broke the story about USAID co-investing with Omidyar Network in Ukraine NGOs that organized and led the Maidan revolution in Kiev, resulting in the overthrow of President Viktor Yanukovych. That revolution hasn’t turned out so well — thanks to the “success” of the USAID-Omidyar-funded revolution, there’s talk of the West going to war with nuclear-armed Russia, Ukraine is losing entire chunks of territory like the proverbial leper on a waterslide, Kiev is run by a coalition of costume-party fascists and a handful of billionaire Mafia dons—and Vladimir Putin has never been more popular, or more tyrannical.”
Ames goes on to list a long series of what must be called war crimes carried out by USAID, including teaching torture techniques, throwing elections, funding armies and forced mass sterilization. Please refer to the link above for more information.

And yet one more lengthy article by Wayne Madsen can be found at this link:
USAID: A history of front companies acting on behalf of the CIA
By Wayne Madsen
Posted on April 8, 2014 (too much info to include here)

Many of Population Services International’s (PSI) staff and directors are available through tax information that is available on the net. We already know that Dick Frank previously ran the company, and he was the State Department liaison to the Warren Commission who pilfered the files on Oswald and kept them out of reach of Commission investigators. Let’s take a look at some of the other people involved in PSI, bearing in mind that this is supposed to be a reproductive health organization:

Frank Carlucci – Board of Directors – from Wikipedia (excerpts)
“Frank Charles Carlucci III (born October 18, 1930) served as the United States Secretary of Defense from 1987 to 1989 in the administration of President Ronald Reagan. Prior to that, Carlucci served in a variety of senior-level governmental positions, including Director of the Office of Economic Opportunity in the Richard Nixon administration, Deputy Director of the CIA in the Jimmy Carter administration, and Deputy Secretary of Defense and National Security Advisor in the Reagan administration.”
“Carlucci served as chairman of the Carlyle Group from 1992–2003, and chairman emeritus until 2005. He also has business interests in the following companies: General Dynamics, Westinghouse, Ashland Oil, Neurogen, CB Commercial Real Estate, Nortel, BDM International, Quaker Oats, and Kaman. Carlucci is Chairman of Envion USA, and former director of Wackenhut. He is a co-founder and senior member of the Frontier Group, a private equity investment firm co-founded by David Robb (formerly with The Carlyle Group) and to which Sanford McDonnell and Norm Augustine are senior advisors. Frontier Group is the principal investor in Utopia Residences (, which has ordered the Utopia ocean liner [see “A Cruise That Never Ends”. Retrieved 2009-12-21.]. Carlucci is an Advisory board member of G2 Satellite Solutions and the Chairman Emeritus of Nortel Networks.”
“He joined the Foreign Service, working for the State Department from 1956 until 1969. In 1961 he participated in a CIA mission to Congo.
According to James Schlesinger, following the assassination of Patrice Lumumba, the new Prime Minister of the Congo, Cyrille Adoula, began a meeting with President John F. Kennedy with the question “Ou est Carlucci?” (Where is Carlucci?), who first responded “Who the hell is Carlucci?'” and then sent Dean Rusk to find him.[2]
In the year 2000, a film called Lumumba portrayed him as being involved during his service in Congo in the murder of Congolese independence leader Patrice Lumumba. Carlucci furiously denied the charges, and successfully went to court to prevent being named in the film when it was released in the United States.”

Karl W. Hoffman – President, CEO – Wikipedia excerpts
“Karl William Hofmann (born April 6, 1961) is the President and CEO of the global humanitarian and health organization, Population Services International (PSI). Prior to joining PSI, he served as an American diplomat for 23 years. His missions included a two-year appointment to the Republic of Togo, where he served as the United States Ambassador. He also served as a member of President Clinton’s National Security Council.
As of 2012, Hofmann is a director of the US Global Leadership Coalition, a member of the American Academy of Diplomacy, and a member of the Board of Advisors of Pennsylvania State University’s School of International Affairs. He is the recipient of the US State Department’s Distinguished Honor Award, Superior Honor Award, and Meritorious Honor Award.”
“Hofmann served in diplomatic service for the US for 23 years, holding a variety of positions at the Department of State. He began his career with the State Department in 1983. Throughout his diplomatic career, he has lived in the US, Africa, and the Caribbean. His career has additionally taken him to posts located in Kingston, Jamaica; Kigali, Rwanda; Rabat, Morocco; and Maseru, Lesotho.[2][3][4]
On September 15, 2000, Hofmann was appointed as a Foreign Service Officer to serve as the United States Ambassador to the Republic of Togo. As Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, he served in Togo through December 14, 2002.[2] That same week, on December 19, 2002, Hofmann transferred within the Department of State, serving in a senior role as the Special Assistant to the Secretary and Executive Secretary of the Department, which encompasses the leadership of the Executive Secretariat, with the support of four Deputy Executive Secretaries.[2]
In 2006, Hofmann began serving as the Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) at the American Embassy in Paris.[5] He served as the second-in-command to Craig Roberts Stapleton, Ambassador to France.[6] In his role, Hofmann served as the chief of staff and was responsible for the day-to-day management of the Embassy. He oversaw the heads of each office, including the Consular; Political; Economic-Environment, Science, Technology and Health Section; Public Affairs; and Management sections.[7]”
Hoffman also sits on the advisory board of The Penn State School of International Affairs with a number of former intelligence officers:

Sally Cowall – Senior Vice President – from Linkedin:
“Ambassador Cowal founded The Cuba Policy Foundation in 2001 to support democratic reform in Cuba through normalization of relations.”
“US Ambassador: Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
January 1991 – January 1994 (3 years 1 month)
Appointed by President George Bush and re-appointed by President William Clinton, Ambassador Cowal was instrumental in convincing policy makers in Trinidad and Tobago, an oil and gas producing Caribbean country, to open its markets to foreign competition, privatize major utilities, and to address the impact of narcotics trafficking in the country. During her tenure, several Americans companies made major investments and began join or sole ventures in the country, capitalizing on inexpensive and available natural gas resources. She established an American Chamber of Commerce that today has over 200 corporations as members.”
“Deputy Assistant Secretary
January 1989 – January 1991 (2 years 1 month)
Ms. Cowal was responsible for US Government relations with Mexico and the Caribbean. She organized annual meetings of the bi-national commission composed of 12 Cabinet secretaries from Mexico and the United States, and annual meetings of the US and Mexican border state governors. She was instrumental in the early discussions between the US and Mexico which led to the establishment of NAFTA. In Haiti, she worked to end the military regime and to secure US backing for free and fair elections, resulting in the election of President Aristide. In Guyana, she also played an instrumental role in the holding of free elections with the participation and eventual victory of the opposition party. She worked with the Congress and USTR to achieve a renewal of the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI), a free trade agreement providing duty-free import of Caribbean produced goods.”
“Minister Counselor
US Embassy, Mexico
January 1985 – January 1989 (4 years 1 month)
As a key member of the Country Team, Ms. Cowal headed the United States Information Agency in Mexico and was Acting Deputy Chief of Mission on several occasions. She managed the USIS budget of $10 million and supervised 100 employees in three cities, adding a fourth branch post, Tijuana, recognizing the increased importance of the US-Mexican border relationship. She was the first woman elected to membership in the University Club of Mexico and served as an active participant on many American Chamber of Commerce committees and working groups. She arranged Presidential summit meetings, including the first historic one in Houston between Presidents Bush and Salinas that led to a break-through in US-Mexican relations. During this time she was seconded to the NSC to organize public diplomacy for President Reagan’s participation in the G-7 Summit meetings in Tokyo and Venice.”
“senior member
Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick’s
January 1978 – January 1982 (4 years 1 month)
Cowal was primarily responsible for supervising a political section of nine officers and organizing and staffing US participation in Security Council meetings. During her tenure the most important issues discussed in the UNSC were the Iran-Iraq conflict, Arab-Israeli tensions, the US rescue mission in Grenada and the shooting down of the Korean Airlines plane by the Soviet Union Air Force.”

William C. Harrop – Board of Directors – (excerpt)
Ambassador William C. Harrop
During a career of 39 years as a Foreign Service Officer, Bill Harrop served as United States Ambassador to Guinea, Kenya, Seychelles, Zaire and Israel. He was Inspector General of the State Department and Foreign Service, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Africa, a member of the State Department’s Policy Planning and Coordination Staff, and Deputy Chief of Mission to Australia. He served also in Italy and Belgium.
He was elected Chairman of the American Foreign Service Association, and holds the State Department Distinguished Honor Award and the Presidential Distinguished Service Award. He received the 2001 Foreign Service Cup.
Harrop was born in Baltimore. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Harvard and did graduate work at the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton. He served in the United States Marine Corps during the Korean War.
He is now associated with a private foundation and is a member of the board of PSI, the largest health social marketing NGO. A member of the Washington Institute of Foreign Affairs and of the Foreign Affairs Council, he is a director of the American Academy of Diplomacy, the Senior Living Foundation of the American Foreign Service, American Diplomacy Publishers, the Henry L. Stimson Center and the Humane Society of Washington DC. He chairs the Foreign Affairs Museum Council, an organization involved in the creation of a museum of American diplomacy.”

Sarah Epstein – Director – (excerpt)
According to the above website, Epstein is associated with anti-immigrant groups involved in a eugenics movement. The controversy revolves around a sterilization chemical called Quinacrine:
“Originally developed to fight malaria,
Quinacrine was re-purposed as an offlabel
form of female sterilization that
is described by its developers as “permanent
birth control.” In that capacity,
the drug is inserted directly into the uterus and leads to tubular occlusion.
Performed without anesthetic, the
pain and bleeding can be so intense
that the patient often faints during or
soon after the procedure.”
“51. See, for a bio of
Sarah G. Epstein. Epstein’s biography on Population Services
International’s (PSI) website lists all of the organizations
with which she is involved. It also states that “she and her
husband Donald Collins, founder of International Services
Assistant Fund, and their team have received permission for a
Phase III trial of Quinacrine Sterilization. It is underway in the
US, India, Chile, Brazil and Mexico.”

Frank E. Loy – Director, Chair – Wikipedia excerpts –“Frank E. Loy is an American diplomat, business and nonprofit executive, and attorney. He is best known for serving as United States Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs from November 2, 1998 to January 20, 2001, under President Bill Clinton. In that position, he was the chief United States negotiator for issues such as climate change and trade on genetically modified agricultural products.[1]
He has been senior vice president for international affairs at Pan American Airways, president of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, president of the Penn Central Corporation, and an attorney with O’Melveny & Myers.”[2]
“Loy’s first public service came as Special Assistant to the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration and as Director of that agency’s Office of Policy Development,[3] which was that agency’s first economic analysis planning shop.[4]
From 1965-1970 he entered the State Department for the first time,[4] serving as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs. In that role he negotiated numerous international bilateral air transport agreements, represented the U.S. at meetings of international organizations such as ICAO and IMCO, and was vice-chair of the U.S. delegation to the multinational negotiations that successfully created the present structure of INTELSAT, the organization that operates the space segments of the international communications network”
“From 1980 to 1981 he served as the Director of the State Department’s Bureau of Refugee Programs, with the personal rank of Ambassador.[3]
He served as co-chair – with Robert Shapiro, CEO of Monsanto Corporation – of the Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Committee to the United States Trade Representative, Ambassador Charlene Barshevsky.”
“From November 2, 1998 to the end of the Clinton Administration, he was Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs.”

According to this website, Loy is also involved in geoengineering projects:

And we should also look at The German Marshall Fund, as Loy was President of that organization:
Excerpt from Powerbase: Fund has expanded into Eastern Europe through the establishment together with USAID of a program worth 25 million dollars, the Balkan Trust for Democracy.[8]
“It is alleged that the fund has close ties with US intelligence:
It was obvious that so much discretion tried, above all things, to hide the responsibilities of the majority of directors in the Pentagon and CIA. Lee Hamillton is the vice-president of the presidential commission on September 11, member of the Homeland Security Advisory Board and has been decorated by the CIA and DIA. Hamilton, former member of Parliament, headed one of the investigation commissions on the scandal Iran-Contras where he studied the role of another manager of the Fund, Robert M. Kimmitt, who was then executive director of the National Security Council and involved in the scandal up to his neck. Later, M. Kimmit was appointed vice-president of AOL-Time-Warner by his friend, General Colin Powell.[9]
This would seem to be reinforced by the presence of Suzanne Woolsey, the wife of R. James Woolsey, former CIA director.”

And this from Global Research (excerpt) the CIA Infiltrated Germany’s Mainstream Media
Interview with German Editor Turned CIA Whistleblower
 “Most journalists from respected and big media organisations are closely connected to the German Marshall Fund, the Atlantik-Brücke or other so-called transatlantic organisations…once you’re connected, you make friends with selected Americans. You think they are your friends and you start cooperating. They work on your ego, make you feel like you’re important. And one day one of them will ask you ‘Will you do me this favor’…”

Already in the second week of treatment, I was able to adjust the diet in accordance with my regimen. The second purposeful effect of the drug at is an increased activity.

The people listed above operate at a level several pay-grades higher than your average reproductive health care organization. We have a Deputy CIA Director, State Department officials, ambassadors, satellite network and geoengineering designers, eugenicists, ambassadors and every kind of foreign service officer you can imagine. The fact they handle huge USAID contracts and the history of USAID operating as cover for covert operations should be carefully considered. The people listed above are not working as field operators, but are very well positioned to liaison with other Government agencies in every corner of the world. Let’s keep our eye on PSI.

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