The Kill Zone?

November 7, 2015
Note the yellow paint on the curb, left and right side of picture

Note the yellow paint on the curb, left and right side of picture

Kennedy assassination researcher and author of “Crossfire” Jim Marrs was on a recent radio interview and pointed out something I had never seen before. If you look very closely to this photo you will see a three-foot section of curb painted yellow on the far left and far right of the photo. This was taken immediately after President Kennedy was shot, and the people are running up the hill toward where they heard shots fired from “The Grassy Knoll”.
Marrs claims that those yellow stripes were painted that very day and appear nowhere else on the street. The space between the painted curbs is exactly where Kennedy was shot, and Marrs claims they were marking “The kill zone” for the shooter teams to coordinate on. Marrs also claims that E. Howard Hunt’s son St. John Hunt believes the man on the left in the trench-coat and hat is his father. That may or may not be true, but according to Hunt’s deathbed confession, he said he was there in Dallas “As a bench-warmer”.
If any other Kennedy assassination researchers have an opinion on the painted curbs, please feel free to address this in the comment section.

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