Credit: Joe Rogan Show
Every culture on the planet has an oral history of the flooding of the planet; some catastrophic event that changed human existence and generated legends such as Noah’s Ark. Conventional thinking suggests that a series of glacial dams broke at times during the ice age, causing massive releases of water. Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson have developed a more radical theory; that strikes from pieces of a comet or asteroids crashed into the North American ice sheet, blowing it apart and causing huge, mega-events that happened far faster than geologists will admit.
Yesterday, armed with my trusty beat-up i-pod I listened to an epic debate on the subject while at work. I mean, this was nearly four hours of point-counterpoint that got very heated at times, but was handled quite well by host Joe Rogan.
Rogan never ceases to amaze me with his depth of knowledge and his ability to coax dialogue out of his guests, perhaps because they are held hostage for hours, allowing him to delve deeply into their subject matter.
The show was moderated by Rogan, with Hancock and Carlson supporting the catastrophic impact theory, and Michael Shermer, founder of The Skeptic Society and editor of Skeptic Magazine arguing against. Shermer, though outnumbered, had a lifeline to a geologist to provide scientific rebuttal. Hancock and Carlson provided a skype interview with a comet expert that informed their position.
Hancock, who’s recent book “Magicians Of The Gods” I just ordered (review to follow) has long been a proponent of the theory that there was an ancient civilization that barely survived the catastrophic earth events and had to “re-boot” human society, which was all-but destroyed. Randall Carlson provides geologic evidence supporting the “sudden impact” theory with graphic images and descriptions of huge, sudden earth changes. Hancock believes that after the cataclysm the surviving members of the civilization may have traveled the planet with elements of ancient knowledge that were grafted into the surviving primitive cultures. This is evidenced by the recent findings of huge stone structures that put the actual age of human civilization back as far as 12,000 years ago – or more.
Shermer and his geologist put up quite a fight resisting this theory, but surprisingly at the end of the debate both sides appeared to find common ground.
I cannot recommend this show enough – if you are interested in geology, ancient civilizations, catastrophic events or a bunch of old guys in a really spirited debate you gotta’ check this out.
As I said, I just ordered Hancock’s book “Magicians Of The Gods”, and will provide a review after I plow through it.
And check out Joe Rogan’s other interviews, websites listed below.
Hancock, Carlson, Shermer debate on The Joe Rogan Show:
Hancock and Carlson’s theory explained here: https://grahamhancock.com/hancockg17/
Graham Hancock.com http://grahamhancock.com/
Sacred Geometry International: http://sacredgeometryinternational.com/
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