There is a dark, foreboding feeling sinking in across the country as the coronation of Mein Trumpf nears in seven weeks. The Swamp has been drained and refilled with authentic neo-fascists and the very bankers that the Trum-pets reviled pre-election. Even they will feel betrayed soon. One of my favorite reads lately has been Sarah […]
Posts Tagged ‘ Donald Trump ’
“Tex” Tackles The Election Debacle
With the election hangover slowly fading, my old friend and research associate “Tex” has weighed in on the failure of the Democratic Party establishment, which had swung to the right under Clinton management: ——————————— In 1992 the campaign slogan of the Bill Clinton campaign was: “It’s the economy, stupid.” That slogan and that tactic worked […]
A Uniquely American Fascism
Well, it finally happened. America will now enter a questionable stage of neo-fascism, perhaps best defined by Sinclair Lewis: “From It Can’t Happen Here (1935): “But he saw too that in America the struggle was befogged by the fact that the worst Fascists were they who disowned the word ‘Fascism’ and preached enslavement to Capitalism […]
Corporativismo – Fascismo
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” — Benito Mussolini I would like to direct readers to an excellent essay about the nature of fascism, and how close we are to getting there. Things look bad, but there is still time to turn this thing […]
Jeb! Poised For Convention Comeback? – Trump Predicts Riots?
Way back in February of 2015 we read a report from “The New York Observer” that the Republican elite had gathered at the home of Henry Kravis of investment firm KKR to plan the presidency of Jeb! Bush. Here’s a short excerpt: “On Wednesday night, several dozen people with the means to attend an event […]
Should Donald Trump Stay Off Small Airplanes?
Counterpunch has recently run two articles on something I have also been pondering about; whether Donald Trump will survive this election cycle. The first is a somewhat disjointed piece by Robert David Steele, described as a former spy and hacker, that dismisses suggestions that GOP puppet-masters have ordered for Donald Trump to be “taken out”, […]