April 1, 2017
The remote island of Saipan has long been a target for abusive labor practices, but a recent raid on a major gambling establishment has revealed a power structure that goes straight to the top of the U.S. government. Many will remember the scandal that lobbyist Jack Abramoff and Republican Tom Delay were swept up in […]
Tags: casinos Saipan, CIA, Donald Trump, Ed Rendell, FBI, Haley Barbour, Imperial Pacific, Jack Abramoff, James Woolsey, Louis Freeh, Mark Brown, money laundering, Tom Delay
Posted in Tell the truth and run ! | 1 Comment »
March 18, 2017
The last two weeks have been a bizarre trip through previously unknown government surveillance techniques, and broached a subject between U.S. And British Intelligence agencies that most people were not aware of. On March 4th Trump Tweeted out (as he often does) that the Obama administration had secretly wiretapped Trump Tower before the election: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/timeline-president-trumps-unsubstantiated-wiretapping-claims/story?id=46198888 […]
Tags: British intelligence, Christopher Steele, CIA, Donald Trump, GCHQ, John Loftus, John Schindler, NSA, Orbis dossier, wiretapping
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March 12, 2017
Wikileaks had promised that after the first of the year there would be startling new releases of documents. It was unclear just what they would consist of, but on March 7th they provided a huge document dump they code-named “Vault 7”. Here’s the link so everyone can dig in for themselves: https://wikileaks.org/ciav7p1/ I am not […]
Tags: CIA, CIA hacking, electronic eavesdropping, Michael Hastings, NSA, Samsung Smart TV, smart appliances, smart phone spying, spying, unconstitutional spying, Vault 7, Wikileaks
Posted in News and Views | 1 Comment »
January 15, 2017
There seems to be a reoccurring theme to some of the recent shootings in the past few years: Voices in the head tell the individual to commit an act of violence. Now, this type of mental illness is as old as society itself, but when the shooters are military trained, one has to wonder how […]
Tags: CIA, Esteban Santiago, Florida airport shooting, MK ULTRA, voice to skull technology, voices in your head
Posted in Tell the truth and run ! | 6 Comments »
December 26, 2016
Last weeks assassination of Russia’s ambassador to Turkey appears to be part of an ongoing program to prevent the likely alliance between Russia and the Turkish state. Boldly carried out at a public art gallery, the murder was actually filmed and the gunman was able to make statements about Russian involvement in Aleppo. Amazingly, the […]
Tags: Aleppo, assassination of Russian ambassador, CIA, Fethullah Gulen, Graham Fuller, Putin, Syria
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December 11, 2016
America is slowly awakening to the grim realities of a Trump-encumbered nation. On public display during this election cycle is an out-and-out street fight between the CIA and the FBI. The first salvo was by the FBI, who’s New York office was livid that Director Comey had given in to the Justice Department by not […]
Tags: CIA, CIA vs. FBI, Clinton, FBI, Rudy Giuliani, Trump, William Blum
Posted in Tell the truth and run ! | 2 Comments »
August 21, 2016
The direct linkage between Iran-Contra, The Boston Marathon bombing and the recent failed Turkish coup is CIA officer Graham Fuller By John Titus Once again proving that CIA officers never actually retire, Graham Fuller has been caught with his hands all over the recent coup attempt in Turkey. The July 15th attempt from within the […]
Tags: Boston Marathon Bombing, CIA, CIA coup, FBI, Fethullah Gulen, Graham Fuller, Iran-Contra, Tsarnaev brothers, Turkish Coup
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July 18, 2016
Typically, important information is fed to the press on a Friday, before a holiday, or in this case on the eve of the contentious Republican Convention in Cleveland. As one would expect, the release of the top secret “28 pages” implicating Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks was met with stirring silence. Though long awaited, […]
Tags: 28 pages, 911, Bin Laden, CIA, FBI, Prince Bandar, Princess Haifa, Saudi 9/11 involvement, Saudi Intelligence, The Jersey Girls
Posted in Tell the truth and run ! | No Comments »
July 3, 2016
In the wake of the “Brexit” vote, multiple mainstream news sources are linking the emergence of the E.U. to a long-range plan by the CIA and German industrialists to return Europe to German control. As described in our previous article, linked HERE, we looked at a stunning article in the Telegraph.UK that details how the […]
Tags: Allen Dulles, BND, Brexit, CIA, Curt Riess, Fascism, German-Poland submarines, Reinhard Gehlen, The EU, The Nazis Go Underground
Posted in Hidden History, Tell the truth and run ! | 2 Comments »
May 29, 2016
Investigators at the “Who, What, Why” website (via Global Research article here) have found documents that suggest Tamerlan Tsarnaev was indeed under a terrorist investigation at the time of the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013. The FBI has previously denied this fact. The document is pictured above and although some information is redacted, […]
Tags: Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon Bombing, CIA, FBI, Graham Fuller, Jamestown Foundation, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Todashev, Uncle Ruslan
Posted in Hidden History, Tell the truth and run ! | No Comments »