Typically, important information is fed to the press on a Friday, before a holiday, or in this case on the eve of the contentious Republican Convention in Cleveland. As one would expect, the release of the top secret “28 pages” implicating Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks was met with stirring silence. Though long awaited, […]
Posts Tagged ‘ 911 ’
CIA Left Explosive On School Bus After Training Drill
While it may seem like an April Fools joke, this story appears deadly serious. News outfits NPR, The Washington Post, CNN, Reuters, The Guardian and others are all reporting that The CIA was involved in a training drill that actually involved putting plastic explosive on a school bus. It seems that they left a big […]
Review: The 2001 Anthrax Deception – By Graeme MacQueen
Nearly everyone alive in 2001 remembers the attacks on 9/11, but the anthrax attacks that followed have slipped from the collective memory or were explained as an odd event unrelated to the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Nothing could be further from the truth – the anthrax attacks were planned and carried […]
The Super-“Bull”, Seattle Seahawks Coach, and 911
Every year I reach peak frustration with the “hive mind” as the Super-“Bull” approaches. Let me be clear, I don’t cheer when Seattle’s corporate team wins a game, I cheer when Seattle gives its workers a $15.00 per-hour minimum wage. The overt militarism and commercialism, combined with America’s “hive mind” make for a textbook propaganda […]
Round-up of Alternative French Gunmen Theories, With Updates
With the whirlwind of information coming in about the gunmen that killed the staff of a French newspaper and hostages in a small cafe/grocery, it has been difficult to piece together an accurate picture of what happened. With that in mind, let’s survey a sample of alternative explanations for what may have happened: Paris attack […]
American Neo-cons, Chechen Rebels, 911 and The Boston Marathon Bombing
Over the past couple of months we’ve looked at the strange circumstances surrounding the Boston Marathon bombing and the Tsarnaev brothers. My working theory is that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was being, or had been recruited by one or more intelligence agencies and then double-crossed his handlers instead of returning to Russia for mayhem. We know he […]
Cheney In Charge; Deconstructing “Dick”
Come on, everyone but Republicans in the Confederacy (ever expanding) knows that Dick Cheney ran the country for at least eight years while George W. Bush watched Beer commercials on ESPN. The epic failure (or intentional sweeping under the rug) of intelligence leading up to 911 has been contested since the World Trade Center was […]
Was Anwar al-Awlaki a U.S. Agent?
Joseph Cannon at “Cannonfire” has re-opened a nasty wound that has proven troubling to the Obama administration: Was Anwar al-Awlaki a U.S. deep-cover agent? Or was he possibly killed in a drone strike as a “mop-up operation”, burying evidence related to 911? Or Both? Here he describes the cover story: “Anwar al-Awlaki was an American […]