Spy Plane Over Seattle -H/T Jack Blood
Plane spotters in the Seattle area have been tracking a mysterious plane flying surveillance over the city for an extended mission. The plane is equipped with the most sophisticated cameras and signals intercept tools short of a spy satellite. Here is some information from “Thedrive.com”:
“A very unique USAF surveillance aircraft has been flying highly defined circles over Seattle and its various suburbs for nine days now. Nobody at the DoD seems to know who the aircraft belongs to or what exactly it is doing flying so many missions over the Seattle area. But based on its visibly exotic configuration, and information collected by open source flight tracking websites, we can get a good idea of its capabilities and guess as to what it’s up to.”
“It is covered in a dizzying array of blisters, protrusions, humps and bumps. These include missile approach warning detectors and large fairings on its empennage for buckets of forward-firing decoy flares, as well as both microwave—the dome antenna behind the wing and flat antenna modification in front of the wing—and ultra high-frequency satellite communications—the platter-like antenna behind the dome antenna. A communications intelligence suite also appears to be installed on the aircraft, with the antenna farm on the bottom of its fuselage being a clear indication of such a capability.”
“But what’s most interesting is the aircraft’s apparent visual intelligence gathering installation. It is placed in a fixed position, on the left side of the aircraft, below the plane’s forward emergency door. The rectangle structure has a sliding door that covers the system’s sensors when not in use.
On the lower end of the capabilities spectrum, the system installed could be similar to the DB110 reconnaissance system, which can provide very high fidelity imagery of a target area from standoff “slant” ranges. The system, which is popular among F-16 operators in a podded version, can be acquired in varying configurations. Some have multi-spectral fusion capability, where electro-optical and infrared imagery is combined to bring out unique details that neither can see alone. An additional wider angle camera is also available as well, along with an assortment of data-link options that can send the system’s imagery to analysts and “customers” on the ground for rapid exploitation. In this case, the analysts could fly inside the aircraft, eliminating the requirement—or at least the outright need—for such a feature.
On the higher end of the capability spectrum, the aperture could be filled with a wide area aerial surveillance (WAAS) camera system that can view a large area—the size of a town—continuously at one time. This technology, which allows for tagging of vehicles and other moving objects, and can even be used retroactively to trace someone’s movements over time, is among the biggest surveillance game-changers of our time. You can read all about how it works and its great potential to change everything from how we survey the battlefield to how we solve crimes here at home in this past feature.”
“Above all else, these types of surveillance systems are especially good at capturing and monitoring so called “patterns of life” over and around a target area. This is an especially useful tool when collecting intelligence on an enemy target or group of targets over time and can open up new possibilities when it comes to the process of finding, fixing and finishing the enemy.
Simply put, instead of recording a snapshot in time such as what a satellite can furnish, persistent airborne surveillance sensors capture massive amounts of exploitable information over hours and days. So if a picture is akin to a thousand words, this persistent type of wide area aerial surveillance is equivalent to an entire novel or even a series of novels.
When paired with communications intelligence gathering, such as intercepting radio communications and mobile and satellite phone chatter, a high fidelity “picture” of a targeted area and how specific targets in that area operate can be compiled in a relatively short period of time, all using a single relatively economical asset. Also, the aircraft’s extensive communications suite can take this information, including streaming video, and send it to a command center around the world or relay it to regional ground stations. As such, it can likely provide high-fidelity overwatch of ongoing special operations mission, and relay that video and/or audio to commanders in real time.
Now that we have at least some idea of what this aircraft is likely capable of, the big question is what is it doing over Seattle and its suburbs? And maybe even more important—who is operating it?
Aside from what appears to be a weekend off in Portland, Oregon, the aircraft flies its missions out of Boeing Field, and it is operating out of Clay Lacy Aviation, the local fixed based operator (FBO) at Boeing Field, not from Boeing’s military ramp. It is totally common for military aircraft—from fighters to transports—to use local FBOs when traveling away from home. In fact, aircrews often prefer the amenities and ease of access of a high-end private jet center over a nearby military base.”
Now, Clay Lacy Aviation appears to have a very interesting background:

Rendition plane, Clay Lacy Aviation
Possible Rendition Circuits
•February 2005: Possible rendition of high-value detainees, between Morocco, Romania and Lithuania.
Operating Companies associated with this aircraft
•Classic Limited Air / Clay Lacy Aviation
Trip Planning Companies associated with this aircraft
•Universal Weather and Aviation
N724CL is a privately-owned Boeing 727, a large jet that can carry 134 passengers. It was chartered by the CIA through its contract with DynCorp/CSC, and can be linked to the possible transfer of high-value detainees between Morocco, Romania and Lithuania in February 2005.
The aircraft is owned by Clay Lacy Aviation, a company based in Van Nuys, California (close to another company involved in the programme, Prime Jet). Clay Lacy Aviation was founded in 1968 and styles itself as ‘the most experienced operator of private jets in the world’. Flights undertaken by this aircraft have been operated either by Clay Lacy Aviation, or by Classic Air Limited, a subsidiary of Clay Lacy established solely to operate this aircraft.
Universal Weather and Aviation Inc. has provided trip planning services for N724CL, including during its circuit through Morocco, Romania and Lithuania.
Aircraft Information
Type of aircraft: Boeing 727
Construction number: 19121
Manufacture year: 1966
Engines: P & W JT8D SERIES (turbo jet)
Capacity: 134
And here is some material from John Lear, son of the Lear Jet founder and self-described CIA employee:
“I went back down to Van Nuys and was Chief Pilot for Lacy Aviation and was one of the first pilot proficiency examiners for the Lear Jet. In the summer of 1973 I moved to Phnom Penh, Cambodia as Chief Pilot and Director of Operations for Tri Nine Airlines which flew routes throughout Cambodia for Khmer Akas Air.
I flew a Convair 440 an average of 130 hours a month. We had unlimited quantities of 115/145 fuel and ADI and were able to use full CB-17 power
(which was 62″ for any of you R-2800 aficionados). In November of 1973 I moved to Vientianne, Laos and flew C-46’s and Twin Otters for Continental Air Services Inc. delivering guns and ammo to the Gen. Vang Pao and his CIA supported troops.”
General Vang Pao was known to be one of the biggest opium dealers in southeast asia at the time. The opium was processed into heroin in Vientianne.
So again, we must ask; what the hell is this spy plane , believed to be operating out of a CIA-affiliated airline company, flying seemingly endless loops over Seattle?
Training mission?
Urban surveillance for planned terrorist attack?
Surveillance for identification and disruption of protesters?
This thing has cameras that can record everything occurring in a city the size of Seattle, run it back in time and possibly even use algorithms to predict future events. It can sweep up all communications.
And the anniversary of 9/11 is about one month away…
Would you like to ride in my secret police aeroplane
way up in the air we got the way to track anyone
protected by jackasses and bitches in $$ congress that pig sty
we got the way to make us be tough and look down on you dummies
cause you’re a bunch of weasels down there so what the hell…we can flyyyyy…
protected by a phony chicken shit congress’s ‘national interest’ canopy
the American sheeple can smart phone and drink and TV and be happy
cause this the age of mass stupidity
so what the hell…we can fly…