Sony Hack: Inside Job, Intelligence Psy-op

December 20, 2014


Recent news about Sony Corp. getting hacked, and the embarrasing release of internal e-mails is being blamed on the North Koreans, a painfully backward and non-technological country. But as this week went on, people in the know are saying it was actually an inside job. Generally refered to as the possible work of a former or current employee, the hack may actually have moved up the food chain to U.S. intelligence agencies. Here’s a bit from the right-wing news site “NewsMax”:

“A disgruntled employee could be responsible for the Sony hack attack that ultimately resulted in the cancellation of the movie “The Interview,” computer security expert Vinny Troia told Fox News’ “America’s Newsroom.”
Troia said threats issued by hackers surrounding the release of the movie could be a diversion to distract authorities away from the real perpetrator. Sony canceled the movie’s scheduled Christmas Day release over the threat of attacks on theaters that showed the comedy depicting the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
“Troia, who also works as an ethical hacker and computer forensic investigator, said it was the amount of information about the company that hackers released that led him to speculate North Korea was not behind the computer hacking.
Company emails, financial records, and password keys exposed from the hacking made it “almost impossible for this to occur completely from the outside,” Troia explained, adding that “somebody knew exactly what to get and where to get it.”
If North Korea wasn’t to blame, whoever was responsible for the attack was looking for the “best possible scapegoat,” he said. Since some had “suspected North Korea from the beginning,” he said it made them an easy target.”

Beyond the “lone wolf” fall-back scenario, is indication that the military and intelligence agencies of the U.S. have pushed Sony into something the company initially rejected: depicting the assassination of the head of North Korea.
Take a look at the excellent article on this subject at

Emails Reveal US State Department Influenced Sony’s “The Interview” so as to Encourage Assassination and Regime Change in North Korea

Dan Sanchez, December 18, 2014
Sony’s decision yesterday to cancel its release of The Interview after being hacked and threatened by a group that may or may not be tied with the North Korean government has been the top story in the media ever since. Decidedly less-covered, and almost completely obscured by the cancellation, is another revelation made yesterday about the movie that is actually far more important.
The Daily Beast reported yesterday on leaked emails from the Sony hack which show that the United States government was involved at high levels with the content development of The Interview, especially its controversial ending depicting the assassination of North Korean ruler Kim Jong-Un. As the report’s headline states, “Sony Emails Say State Department Blessed Kim Jong-Un Assassination in ‘The Interview.’” The emails also reveal that a RAND corporation senior defense analyst who consulted on the film went beyond “blessing” and outright influenced the end of the film, encouraging the CEO of Sony Entertainment to leave the assassination scene as it was (in spite of misgivings at Sony) for the sake of encouraging North Koreans to actually assassinate Kim Jong-Un and depose his regime when the movie eventually leaks into that country. According to the Sony CEO, a senior US State Department official emphatically and personally seconded that advice and reasoning in a separate correspondence. The emails also reveal that the U.S. special envoy for North Korean human-rights issues also consulted with Sony on the film.”


The U.S. military-industrial complex is fomenting “color revolutions” all over the world – the middle east, Ukraine (with Russia as the target), and now North Korea. Much like the CIA uses journalists, they use Hollywood propaganda to promote it’s agenda. Think “Zero Dark-Thirty” or “Argo” for instance.

What this does is cause very dangerous situations for journalists, and now actors and corporations that get caught up in psychological operations. It is almost certain that North Korea is not involved in the hack, which insiders acknowledge is an inside job to cover for outright propaganda.

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