“Revolution’s End” Interview On Midnight Writer News

March 18, 2018

I’d like to bring your attention to a really, really good interview with Brad Schreiber, author of “Revolution’s End: The Patty Hearst Kidnapping, Mind Control, and the Secret History of Donald DeFreeze and the SLA”. Schreiber makes it clear in this interview that the emphasis in the book is more about kidnapper and government patsy Donald DeFreeze, and the mind control program at Vacaville Prison that turned him into an agent who was sent out to destroy the Black Panthers and similar radical movements.

Have a listen to the interview at “Midnight Writer News”:


And here’s my review of the book “Revolution’s End”:

The 1960’s were over – a time of great social upheaval, civil rights and radical movements that threatened the status quo of conservative society. These cultural swings were now being chipped away at by the power structure of the 1970’s, and Brad Schreiber’s book “Revolution’s End” tells how they went about dismantling those movements using psychological warfare techniques from the cold war and Vietnam.

The subtitle of “Revolutions End” is “The Patty Hearst Kidnapping, Mind Control, And The Secret History Of Donald DeFreeze And The SLA”. The Symbionese Liberation Army, controlled by “Cinque’” (Donald DeFreeze), was wholly a creation of a mind control operation run by authorities at Vacaville Prison in California. Embedded within the “Black Cultural Association” (BCA) at Vacaville was a plan to destroy emerging radical and revolutionary movements. The program was run by Colston Westbrook, a black Vietnam vet that worked for the CIA. Westbrook’s mark was Donald Defreeze, a failed crook who became an informer for authorities to obtain soft-time and privileges within Vacaville.

In the course of the interaction between Westbrook, DeFreeze and the “BCA”, numbers of white radicals became involved in support groups with black prisoners, and one of those radicals was Patty Hearst. Like others, Hearst became attracted to the radical multiculturalism of working with black prisoners. Using false identification, Hearst was among a number of women that were allowed to meet prisoners for sex on the prison grounds. This must have been as exhilarating to Hearst as it was a reward for DeFreeze, who was in the grips of Westbrook’s controlled isolation and drugging. As the concept of the SLA evolved within the walls of Vacaville, Westbrook had hatched a plan to have DeFreeze kill Dr. Marcus Foster, the first black superintendent of Oakland schools.

DeFreeze, who had been seriously mind-fucked by Westbrooks techniques, was allowed to “escape” Vacaville and create the armed SLA outside the prison. You see, if he had refused, Westbrook would have labeled him a “snitch” in prison, and DeFreeze would have been killed. So off he went with his merry band of white radicals to kidnap Patty Hearst, kill Foster, demand a “feed the people” program, rob the Hibernia Bank, and eventually die in the first televised SWAT raid, a technique police use when they want no survivors.

“Revolution’s End” is not so much about Patty Hearst, it’s about Donald DeFreeze and the cunning, devious mind control by Colston Westbrook. It’s about destabilizing revolutionary movements, as recognized by the killings of Black Panthers as well as Hispanic and American Indian resistance organizations. Schreiber masterfully weaves the tale, with lots of twists and turns that provide thoughtful caution for just what authorities must be up to in our current era. Seriously, technology has advanced so far now that comprehensive mind control may be deployed on our entire population, and by reading how it was done in “Revolution’s End” may give us a road-map to prepare for future disruptions.

One last interesting note: Patty Hearst was scheduled to serve a 35-year sentence. That was reduced to 22 months by the intervention of Congressman Leo Ryan, who had discovered the plot by the CIA’s Colston Westbrook and mind control at Vacaville.
Ryan was killed November 18, 1978 in Guyana while investigating another CIA mind control program – Jim Jones and Jonestown.

“Revolution’s End” is a very powerful study of how the government goes after radical movements, is well written and stands as a warning for us all.

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