Review: The Lost Hegemon – By F. William Engdahl

April 23, 2017

Buckle your seat belt and get ready for one of the most important books you may read this year.
F. William Engdahl is a prolific writer on all things geo-political, and “The Lost Hegemon – Whom The Gods Would Destroy” is a puzzle piece in his stable of books that explains a tremendous amount of recent world history. Much of this is clearly suppressed information, and Engdahl backs it up with an impressive amount of footnoting and references.

The main body of the book describes the long process in which western intelligence agencies selected the most brutal faction of Islam and weaponized it, using Jihadists in nearly every country in the Middle East, turning them toward the Caucasus, Russia and the Turkic regions of China.

Engdahl’s analysis begins in 1095 when Pope Urban Proclaimed the first “Crusade”, sending peasant soldiers into the Holy Lands. As with many invading armies, these warriors were promised “indulgences” that “allowed them to commit sins” (war crimes) with Papal forgiveness. The level of theft, rape and destruction was beyond belief. Many years later, President George W. Bush considered his administration’s invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq a “mission from God” and called it “a Crusade”.

In the early 1900’s the British promised Arab Muslim clans independence from foreign rule if they helped England defeat Germany and The Ottoman Empire in the region. The promise went unfulfilled. The Balfour Declaration, establishing a Jewish homeland in Palestine and the revelation of The Sykes- Picot agreement to split up the Arab lands demonstrated the betrayal by the British. Faced with this reality British Intelligence began an alignment with reactionary Islam and the brutal House of Saud. Out of this agreement sprang The Muslim Brotherhood.

Backlash against British intrigue and betrayal caused the Muslim Brotherhood to form an alliance with the Nazi “Waffen SS”. In fact, The Grand Mufti promised unconditional support for Hitler and the Nazis in their persecution of Jews, and operated out of Berlin from 1941-1945. As the German army moved into the Caucasus, seizing territory and threatening the Soviets, the Nazis recruited legions of Central Asian Muslims to wage Jihad against Moscow. These Jihadists would later be used by the CIA for the same purpose.

Engdahl provides solid linkage between the Jihadists, the CIA and international heroin trade, a very lucrative business. We see how Jihad was used against the Soviets, and the introduction of CIA asset Osama bin Laden, something that would haunt America in years to come.

Seen as a powerful, stateless force of nomadic fighters, the Jihadists were steered by the U.S. and NATO toward Yugoslavia. This is one of the most fascinating parts of “The Lost Hegemon”, the misunderstood break-up of Yugoslavia, the truth behind the lies, and the unstated goals. In a future post we will take a hard look at the punch through Yugoslavia and the creation of The US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce, a powerful cabal intent on profiting off The Baku oilfields. Readers will be familiar with infamous Americans such as Elliot Abrams, General Richard Secord, James Baker, Bruce Jackson of Lockheed, Halliburton and Cheney, and former CIA director James Woolsey.

F. William Engdahl’s “The Lost Hegemon – Whom The Gods Would Destroy” is as disturbing as it is revealing. As stated previously, the book is very well footnoted. I myself have marked my copy up with margin notes, underlining and annotation. It’s perhaps my most “inked up” book yet.
This book is written well and is a real page-turner, but I found myself re-reading parts to help arrange the pieces of the puzzle. There is far more detail on every aspect discussed above, I hope I have done this fine historical work the justice it is due.

F. William Engdahl’s website

John Titus

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