Review: “Saucers, Swastikas And Psyops” – Joseph P. Farrell

August 21, 2013
Nazi Saucer?

Nazi Saucer?

Perhaps nothing has captivated modern human imagination more than the specter of UFO’s. Are they from far away advanced civilizations? Do they present a threat or are they here to help us struggling earthlings on our polluted, war-torn planet?
As earth-bound technology has radically increased in recent years, research has come full circle from the belief in extraterrestrial visitation, to a theory that much of the UFO phenomena occurring are the result of advanced human technology, a grand experiment that may have began in World War Two Germany.
In his new book “Saucers, Swastikas And Psyops” subtitled “A History Of A Breakaway Civilization : Hidden Aerospace Technologies And Psychological Operations”, Joseph P. Farrell has strung together a fascinating thread that weaves in and out of secret weapons, global finance, and a possible technology so dangerous it is now relegated to “a breakaway civilization”.
Farrell begins by explaining Richard Dolan’s theory of the breakaway civilization, with analysis from the famous historian Caroll Quigley, who has outlined how just such an entity could be funded and its reason for existence. We are introduced to the work of war-era German scientists and their various un-manned and manned experimental aircraft, beginning with “The Bell”. These early projects were possibly the first “drone” aircraft used in war, with the “Bell” emitting huge electrical discharges that could knock out power systems on nearby aircraft. These secret projects increased in scope and revolutionary new physics that were obviously breakthrough technologies.

German saucer 2

In fact, as Farrell points out, the Nazi movement – and the S.S. in particular, was an example of a breakaway civilization steeped in occultism as deeply as it was in advanced science. Farrell borrows heavily from two very reliable sources which I have read myself: Charles Higham’s “Trading WithThe Enemy”, and John Loftus with “Americas Nazi Secret” – formally titled “The Belarus Secret”. In this section, Farrell shows how American industrialists and Fascists cooperated with the Nazi’s before, during and after the war. As is well known, thousands of Nazi war criminals fled with plundered wealth to reestablish the Reich in South America, and in the science labs of the American aerospace industry. This, Farrell suggests, is the beginning of the modern UFO story.
Farrell then explores the transition of how UFO’s and the “E.T.” visitations have changed over the years, beginning with the case of George Adamski. Interestingly, Adamski first describes the “visitors” he was contacted by as “Nordic or even Teutonic”. This obviously dovetails with German identity. Adamski, who seemed to be influenced by military officials, steered the storyline from terrestrial-based technology to one of the E.T. coming from a different world to caution the earthlings against self-destruction. Later we see the more terrifying accounts of abductees being subjected to strange medical experiments, to the more recent “benign” aliens represented in the movie “Close Encounters of a Third Kind”. This, Farrell explains, is an intentional part of a psychological operation to cloak secret technology in the guise of visitors from another planet.
Why would this be necessary? If the statements by military personnel, scientists – including the former head of Lockheed “Skunkworks” Ben Rich – are true, we have already had deep space missions. In a 1993 presentation to the UCLA School of Engineering Alumni Association, Rich is quoted as saying: “We already have the means to travel among the stars. But these technologies are so locked up in black programs, that it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity.”
Keeping in mind that the Russians also captured Nazi scientists, there is a notion of competing interests that have gone deeply “black” and operate at a level of, well, a breakaway civilization. If gravity and electromagnetism have become weaponized, then it is far too dangerous for any nation-state to have their finger on the button.
With the historical evidence of the Nazi Bell experiments and the breakneck speed of advancing technology, it is quite logical that the countless sightings of UFO’s all over the world are not of extraterrestrial origin, but that of earth-based aircraft from an “above top secret” society – a breakaway civilization.

In the course of clinical tests, it was researched whether reduces the actual transmission of the AIDS virus. We could establish that the higher the concentration of viral bodies in the blood, the greater the risk of their spread.

Farrell’s “Saucers, Swastikas and Psyops” is a great romp through an alternative view of history and advanced technology that leaves us with an unclear future – and questions about “what comes next”?

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2 Responses to Review: “Saucers, Swastikas And Psyops” – Joseph P. Farrell

  1. Bob Patterson on August 22, 2013 at 11:57 am

    We took 88 of their scientists. Then, due to “secrecy” and the moral question of hiring Nazis, our government lied about the numbers.

    I’ve added this book to my reading list. Finally ordered a Kindle. We’ll see if they have it in eBook!

    • DR on August 22, 2013 at 3:18 pm

      We may have admitted to 88 “scientists”, but according to former Justice Department investigator John Loftus at one time there were 15,000 war-era Nazis that were living in the U.S.
      Of course, that doesn’t count the ones in South America, Egypt, Syria, etc.
      (Loftus, “America’s Nazi Secret”)

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