With much hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth, the nation braces for our first reality-star presidency. The pointy hoods now removed, Trumps Breitbartian machine begins...
With the election hangover slowly fading, my old friend and research associate “Tex” has weighed in on the failure of the Democratic Party establishment,...
Well, it finally happened. America will now enter a questionable stage of neo-fascism, perhaps best defined by Sinclair Lewis: “From It Can’t Happen Here...
In a stunning interview with RT, ex-British spy Alastair Crooke has stated that President Obama has lost control of his Defense Department. The issue...
The direct linkage between Iran-Contra, The Boston Marathon bombing and the recent failed Turkish coup is CIA officer Graham Fuller By John Titus Once...
Allan Weisbecker is a fascinating, driven individual. I first heard of Allan when he debated philosopher-theorist Joe Atwill on Atwills podcast. The subject was...
Investigators at the “Who, What, Why” website (via Global Research article here) have found documents that suggest Tamerlan Tsarnaev was indeed under a terrorist...
Declassified documents released by Wikileaks show political tension regarding CIA activities in Japan after revelations of the 1975 Church Committee Hearings. These issues were...
Understanding today’s political theater – with shifting allegiances, back-stabbing, and “dark money” contributing to steer the ship of state – firmly requires looking back...
Dallas attorney Carroll Jarnagin believed that he had seen Lee Harvey Oswald with nightclub owner Jack Ruby before the assassination of President Kennedy. This...
Did an alcoholic Dallas attorney see Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby together before the Kennedy assassination? By John Titus with research by Carson...
U.S. reportedly supplied chemical, biological weapons to Salvadoran military The Center For Human Rights at The University of Washington has released more U.S. documents...
With the thousands of refugee’s entering Europe from American-caused chaos in the Middle East, the second wave of terror attacks was bound to happen....
Kennedy assassination researcher and author of “Crossfire” Jim Marrs was on a recent radio interview and pointed out something I had never seen before....
“The Atlantic”, Pro-Publica and other news outlets are reporting that authorities are now using x-ray vans to peer into cars, houses, containers and virtually...
To begin with, I realize this series of books I am reading makes paid scientists like archaeologists and historians crazy. It just doesn’t fit in their books. But, as I have said, like politics realizing the power of podcasts and amateurs, novice people are picking up the pieces. This is the era of the citizen-journalist. […]
I know I am coming to this book late, but felt it necessary to read this (and others) from the native standpoint since I am also reading many books that seem to be about colonization. I, myself have perhaps been somewhat selfishly in sorrow for how our little seaside community is now turning into “Disneyland”, […]
1421- The Year China Discovered America By Gavin Menzies Let me start by writing that I am well aware that mainstream historians and archaeologists reject this interpretation, but for simple-minded readers like me perhaps, this book makes complete sense. Menzies was a submarine commander and knew ships, currents and winds – all the things needed […]
Was The Murder Of A Federal Judge An “Intelligence” Operation? The story of the Chagra’s, Charles Harrelson, and the murder of Federal Judge ‘Maximum” John Wood is a long and twisted mystery that has not quite been solved. The characters include; Lee and Jimmy and Joe Chagra, acknowledged hit-man Charles Harrelson, and Federal Judge “Maximum” […]
I learned quite a bit in reading this huge book, which probably was meant for college classes. Indeed, the author of “Continental Reckoning”, Elliot West, is a Professor of History Emeritus at the University of Arkansas. This book should be in an Economic or Law history class, and probably is. Author Elliot West clearly outlines […]