Monkey Business Part 2: Bigfoot Book, Magazine, And Newsletter

April 28, 2022

Sometimes expectations are somewhat above performance.
I feel a little of that in the book “In The Valleys of the Noble Beyond”, by John Zada.
Don’t get me wrong, I was pretty entertained by Zada’s navigating the isolated native communities of the British Columbia coast.

Zada, (self-described from big-city Toronto) is a good writer, and stages his scenes and interviews in interesting ways.
However, his second-hand descriptions of Bigfoot/Sasquatch encounters are fleeting and few.

First, an apology from me. It is somewhat demeaning for me to use the term “Monkey Business” in introducing this series of reviews. Sasquatch is not a monkey, nor is it a human. It is possibly related to the origin of man and great apes (apes do not have tails), but clearly has taken another evolutionary track. “Monkey Business” makes for a pretty good writing tag however.

“In The Valleys of the Noble Beyond” introduces us to some very specific communities of the rugged B.C. Coast, and the struggling but proud native people who have lived there for centuries. Who better to weave Sasquatch history into human culture.

In exploring the Sasquatch phenomenon, Zada occasionally hits the stoic brick-wall of native opinion.
In one case, he even gets a beer can thrown and a scolding from a doubting tribal member.
That individual openly questioned why Zada was writing about Sasquatch when (in his opinion) the reporting would be better directed towards the struggle of the tribal population.

In any case, Zada did actually provide a pretty good description of how these folks pull off a rugged life in the maze of inlets and waterways of B.C.’s coast. He introduces us to community leaders, environmental activists, big-game hunters and people who have had Sasquatch encounters.
One thing is clear; huge bears are more of a concern to the locals than Sasquatch.

I would consider the book more valuable as a coastal “explainer”, registering the complex, sometimes conflicting ventures of various residents.

I enjoyed the book for these reasons, but don’t expect to be bowled over by Sasquatch sightings everywhere.

Want an entertaining periodical with interesting history and beautiful artwork?
Pick up the first two copies of “Bigfoot Quest Magazine”.
These large scale “magazines” are actually bordering on coffee-table books. They were apparently the work of Ray Harwood, who according to Daniel Perez of “Bigfoot Times”, is not involved with the publication any more (Perez, Bigfoot Times, April 2022).

I have no idea what the future holds for “Bigfoot Quest Magazine”, but I hope it continues publication.

Ray Harwood appears to be pretty well connected with some of the heavy hitters in Squatchology, such as Dr. Jeff Meldrum and other researchers. Admittedly, I do not know much else about Harwood other than what he has written. I did notice (how could you not) that Harwood’s writing is at times “over-the- top”, but he certainly hooks us with interesting short articles on primitive tools, habits and habitat, encounters and “influencers” in the research field.

I have to say; the artwork by Steve Baxter is worth the price of these “magazines”. The Sasquatch art is some of the best I have seen in a while.

If you are looking for a little art, knowledge and entertainment, this is a great publication to have hanging around. I suspect that even non-believers will want to pick it up and flip through the pages of this well-produced table book with beautiful Sasquatch artwork.

Looking for a monthly Bigfoot/Sasquatch update, with all the nitty-gritty details of Sasquatch science, recent and historical sightings, and book reviews?
Check out Daniel Perez and “Bigfoot Times”. He is one dude that still produces an honest, mailed newsletter just like in “the old days”.

Perez has been “in the field” for years, and has scads of great contacts and insight. His monthly newsletter is a mere four pages, but he packs a wallop in those four.
I have personally took his advice on books, and learned deeper details of historical Bigfoot events as well as displays and events. Perez has been around long enough to note the passing of older Bigfooters.

This simple newsletter, “Bigfoot Times” is always a welcome sight in my mailbox, but if you want to look at some of his work online, go to

Previous Bigfoot/Sasquatch articles:

“Raincoast Sasquatch”, by J. Robert Alley and
“The Discovery of the Sasquatch”, by John A. Bindernagel

Monkey Business: Two Very Different Bigfoot Books

Review: “Bigfoot! – The True Story Of Apes In America” by Loren Coleman

Review: Bigfoot! – The True Story Of Apes In America

Fiction, mixed review: “Devolution” by Max Brooks (Basically, a horror story)

Review: “Devolution” By Max Brooks

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