Manson Is Dead, It’s Time For The Cover Story To Die Too

November 25, 2017

On Sunday November 20th, Charles Manson died at age 83. It’s time for the outright fabrication of the way the Tate-LaBianca murders went down to be put to rest along with him.
Start by saying to yourself; “Vincent Bugliosi was a liar”.
Bugliosi, the man who prosecuted the Manson case, is known for his book on the murders, “Helter-Skelter” – as well as a completely falsified accounting of the JFK assassination, “Reclaiming History”.
Bugliosi, swinging the Manson tiger by the tail, was clearing a path to try to become the attorney general of California.

Let’s be clear: these horrible murders did occur, just not the way it has been presented to the public. Furthermore, the murders were used by the authoritarians in Reagan’s California and Nixon’s White House to smear the hippie and antiwar movements.

To gain a broader understanding of what actually happened, I recommend that you listen to this extremely well produced podcast at “Midnight Writer News”. The host is S.T. Patrick, and he is interviewing Nickolas Schreck, a performance artist and author who met Manson and communicated with him for years. It goes without saying, Schreck knew more about Manson than any other author and interviewed dozens of followers and people associated with the case.

Interviewer S.T. Patrick opens the door and allows Schreck to build a landscape of crime oriented street-people melding with the elite movers in the L.A. Music scene – a mutual admiration that respected wealth as well as the anonymity of the unwashed free spirits. Here is where Schreck begins to rend the myth that Charles Manson was unwanted and untalented, Manson was taught guitar while in prison with bank robber Alvin Karpis, a famous and talented criminal.

Schreck, author of “The Manson File” (which weighs in at around 900 pages) makes a case that the horrific crimes attributed to the Manson followers were not the Bugliosi-fabrication of beginning a race war, but rather the result of the drug-fueled music and movie scene. Manson, it seems, was a musical inspiration for Beach Boy Dennis Wilson and producer Terry Melcher. In the podcast linked below, host Patrick plays several of Manson’s songs, as performed by Manson – and they are pretty damned good. Schreck dispels the myth that Manson leached off of Wilson, rather he was in high demand. Wilson introduced Tex Watson to Manson, and it was Tex Watson and the Manson girls who carried out the drug-fueled killings at the Tate and LaBianca residences.

Tex Watson was working his way up the perilous ladder of the L.A. drug dealing network, and as Nickolas Schreck describes, the Tate-LaBianca murders were all about drug deals gone bad. There were rip-offs. counter rip-offs and just plain badly cooked drugs. In the case of the Tate killings, the target appears to have been Wojciech Frykowski, a high-level dealer who was funded by coffee heiress Abagail Folger. Also in the house was Jay Sebring, hairdresser to the stars, and a dealer as well. Actress Sharon Tate was not scheduled to be in the house that night, and there are rumors Steve McQueen (who was carring a gun for self defense) stayed away that night. Scheck claims everybody in the community knew trouble was brewing.

In one of the botched drug deals, Canadian suppliers funneled Manson/Watson bad MDA that ended up sickening members of “The Straight Satans” motorcycle gang, who demanded the return of their money and a fresh supply of drugs. The gang had blackmail information on some other minor crimes committed by Manson, which would have sent him back to prison. As the extortion rate increased, Tex Watson and three of “Charlies Girls” went to the mansion on Cielo Drive, the home of Roman Polanski and Actress Sharon Tate. Polanski had just completed the horror movie “Rosmary’s Baby” a terrifying look into satanic practices that some believe to be relative to this case. Schreck does not agree that Manson’s people were satanic, he offers proof that they had some twisted version of Christian beliefs that went off-the-tracks.

Schreck describes that Tex Watson demanded drugs and cash from Frykowski and a fight ensued. Sebring attempted to shield Sharon Tate and the fight turned into a brutal amphetamine-fueled murder carried out by Watson and Patricia Krenwinkel.
The next night, the crew carried out the murder of the LaBianca family, wealthy neighbors of a drug house they had partied at before. This was in an effort to present a copy-cat killing to try and get Bobby Beausoleil off the hook for the killing of Gary Hinman, another drug deal that had gone bad.

Through all of this, there is absolutely no evidence that Charles Manson ever killed anybody. Schreck stresses the point that contrary to researchers like the late Mae Brussell who believed Mansons crimes were programmed by the intelligence community – rather that intel and law enforcement ‘piggybacked” on the killings to discredit the counterculture movement.

This is a fantastic interview, it really goes deep not just into Manson, but into the entire systemic dismantling of hippie culture, and the entire political “left” in America at that time. In fact, Schreck links the same authoritarian framers of the Manson myth to those that infiltrated investigations into the Kennedy assassination, demonstrating how wide this net was cast.
Schreck also describes how if the truth was revealed about the motives and method of the crimes, the trail would have led directly to the highest levels of the entertainment industry, such as Frank Sinatra’s “Rat Pack”.

Please listen to the interview at this link:

And Nickolas Schreck’s website:

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One Response to Manson Is Dead, It’s Time For The Cover Story To Die Too

  1. Fayez Abedaziz on November 30, 2017 at 12:31 pm

    Well, I respect Nikolas Schreck, as a thinker and a writer, and his wife Zeena. The lady is a talented artist, quite creative.
    I listened to the interview a couple days ago.
    I knew of Nikolas and Zeena from before, because:
    I became very interested in the whole ‘Manson Family’ situations, after I found that a girl I knew in 1969 was Susan Atkins.
    So, I included a part in my just completed book about the 60’s, that is to do with the Tate-LaBianca crimes and so on.
    Nikolas has interesting views and he is quite right about the drug situations in that Voytek and Sebring did deal and trade drugs to show biz people, including to the musicians in Laurel Canyon.
    Hell, Voytek and Abigail lived there, close to Mama ‘Cass’ Elliot’s house.
    The detective reports that I read and reread, that were of the Tate murders, ( they’re public) state that Voytek wanted to also deal in the newer MDA named drug from a Canadian drug dealer. And of the parties he gave with a lot of drugs and famous people there.
    Abby Folger was supporting him and her money was buying his drugs.
    This not an attack on them, simply a statement of facts.
    Though I have some different opinions and have my own scenario, as I describe the Tate house crimes in my Part 1 of the 5 parts about the 60’s, I have written, do not dismiss what Nikolas says and emphasizes on the drug taking/dealing/ in which Tex and a lot of that rotten crowd in Laurel and Topanga was involved in.
    And, after all, Tex was out of control, at the Tate and LaBianca places wasn’t he? And, Voytek and Abby had drugs in their system, on that August 9 night.
    There are questions too, about some show biz people that kept quiet
    after the murders, as to the gossip about some strange/perv/sex tapes from the Tate or Sebring house, or from both, that the detectives found and allowed no serious questions about.
    This is not to lessen what terrible crimes took place, it is, again, simply to look at what may be facts from research.

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