Len Colodny vs. John Dean

December 3, 2017

John Dean, Watergate Hearings

We’ve been reviewing the Watergate scandal lately, due to the similarities with the Trump Crime Family’s current predicament. Our last review was the testimony of James McCord and this time we take a look at the strange role of John Dean. Dean is the sometimes-hero of contemporary progressives because he ratted some of the Nixon conspirators out. He is regularly interviewed on radio and t.v. news shows, but Dean proves out to be somewhat of a fraud.

First, let’s go to the testimony itself; thanks to friends at “ourhiddenhistory.org“, there is a collection of hearings available, here is the link to Dean’s testimony:


Dean is a vehicle for all the old cliches’ to come out; “A cancer on the Presidency, What did the President know and when did he know it“, and there is some revealing talk about “security measures”. Listen to him describe Gorden Liddy’s plans to conduct kidnapping of political opponents for example. It sounds shocking until we realize rendition and kidnappings are occurring today, and further mayhem is being proposed by Eric Prince of the mercenary outfit that was originally called “Blackwater”. Only one hour is available, I wonder what was said in later testimony.


Fast-forward to Len Colodny’s stunning research into Watergate, from first-hand experience. Colodny personally knew John Dean and was sued by Dean after publication of “Silent Coup” – a book I ordered today. Dean withdrew his lawsuit and was forced to pay Colodny a huge settlement.

In the excellent interview linked below, Len Colodny is interviewed by S.T. Patrick at “Midnight Writer News”, fast becoming one of my favorite podcasts. In the interview, Colodny shreds the official story of Watergate, as well as the false reputations of John Dean and Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward. If a man’s stature is measured by the power of his enemies, then Colodny is a King. He picks apart Dean and Woodward, the notion of “Deep Throat”, and reveals the power struggle that was waged by General Alexander Haig. Haig, it will be remembered went on to say “he was in charge” after Reagan was felled by a bullet in a very suspicious assassination attempt.

Please go to listen to S.T. Patrick interview Len Colodny about “Silent Coup” at the link below:


John Dean’s Watergate Testimony:


Len Colodny’s website watergate.com – with all the incriminating information on Dean and Woodward:


My friends at “Our Hidden History”


And finally, what is shaping up to be a blockbuster collection of interviews, S.T. Patrick at “Midnight Writer News”


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