Jeffery Kaye Interview: U.S. Used Biological Warfare On North Korea

May 15, 2018

In April we looked at a report by Dr. Jeffrey Kaye that detailed how the U.S. military and CIA dropped Plague-infested fleas onto North Korean villages. This new information Kaye dug up answers a lot of questions from that era – and introduces us to a long line of biological war projects that coincidentally dovetails with mind-control programs. First, a link to that past article and to Dr. Kayes original work:

When U.S. airmen were captured in North Korea, some of them confessed to using germ warfare against the North Korean population. In order to cover this up, the U.S. the military “debriefed” the airmen upon return, and forced them to retract their statements. The CIA and military used the cover story that the soldiers were victims of “Chinese mind-control”, and made that a wedge issue to usher in their own mind-control programs, under the code name MKULTRA. In reality, those horrific programs using drugs, electroshock, sensory deprivation, induced comas, tapes of repeated instructions and other torture had already been in operation. The result was de-patterning the subjects personality in an effort to restructure the mind. It didn’t go well in most cases, but the techniques grew very sophisticated. You could assume there is an ongoing program still in place, based on knowledge acquired from Nazi scientists and the dreaded Japanese Unit 731. Who knows what they are capable of today, MKULTRA and related programs may have originally been used on single individuals, but it’s possible we are all being experimented on as a society.

For a very, very good interview with Dr. Kaye by Peter B. Collins at “Who-What-Why” please go to this link where you can listen or download to a device. I highly recommend this and many thanks to Dr. Kaye for his dogged research that has discovered new information on this long-forbidden subject:

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