Jeb! Poised For Convention Comeback? – Trump Predicts Riots?

March 18, 2016
Chicago Riots 1968

Chicago Riots 1968

Way back in February of 2015 we read a report from “The New York Observer” that the Republican elite had gathered at the home of Henry Kravis of investment firm KKR to plan the presidency of Jeb! Bush. Here’s a short excerpt:

“On Wednesday night, several dozen people with the means to attend an event so pricey its invitation doesn’t list an expected contribution will gather in the Park Avenue apartment of Henry and Marie-Josée Kravis to meet Jeb Bush and add to the quickly filling coffers of Right to Rise, the PAC set up to aid Mr. Bush’s presidential ambitions. The affair will be co-chaired by Mr. Kravis’ colleagues at KKR, including Ken Mehlman, who managed George W. Bush’s 2004 campaign and later became chairman of the Republican National Committee.
This is the second event Mr. Kravis, a coveted GOP donor who leads the storied leveraged buyout firm that bears his name, has hosted for Mr. Bush in a month. On the afternoon of January 8th, KKR hosted an event at its offices where the still undeclared candidate met with 80 supporters. The night before, Mr. Bush traveled to Greenwich, where an even larger crowd of 130 greeted the former Florida governor.
It’s no secret that Jeb Bush has been moving aggressively to vacuum up cash and secure support. These three events are part of that effort and the Observer’s cover story last week shared for the first time names of more than a dozen New Jersey and New York finance heavyweights who attended a fourth event – a January 8th dinner hosted by New Jersey lawyer and former RNC finance chief Larry Bathgate.
But it’s an event scheduled to take place this Thursday afternoon, February 12th, that might send the clearest signal yet of Jeb Bush’s dominance of the Republican establishment. According to two sources, including one inside the Bush organization, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger will be the star attraction at a lunch hosted by Right to Rise at which Mr. Bush will also appear.”

Of course, “Mein Trumpf” has thrown a huge monkey wrench in their plans. It’s obvious that Republican politics, from Nixon’s “southern strategy” to now have created a monster that now threatens to devour the structure of the party itself. The GOP rules committee is racing to develop a strategy to block Trump’s nomination, much like the 8-state rule that they created to knock Ron Paul out of the running. They must, it seems, reverse the damage they have wrought and slide one of their favorites into play.
And that, my friends is what leads us back to the beleaguered doorstep of Jeb! Bush.
Politico and other sources are commenting on the recent rantings of republican mouthpiece Rush Limbaugh, who is sounding the alarm – or clarion call that the establishment elite plans to maneuver Jeb! back on to the convention floor. Here’s an excerpt from Politico:
“If neither Trump nor Ted Cruz win the necessary 1,237 delegates to win the Republican nomination outright, “I’m here to tell you Jeb Bush is gonna be the nominee,” Limbaugh warned, according to a transcript of his radio show. “That’s what they’re gonna do. That’s what they’ve always wanted.”
Limbaugh recalled Bush remarking in December 2014 that his strategy was to win the nomination despite losing primaries — something he planned to do by outspending his opponents. Limbaugh added that Bush, who left race in February, would escape the primary without having to talk about abortion, immigration or anything else that matters to Tea Party voters.
“He’s gonna win the nomination nevertheless,” Limbaugh said. “And it may well yet happen.”

Now, this should not be taken as just another Oxycontin dream of the mouth that roared. Astute commentators have witnessed how talking points emerge in the morning from The Heritage Foundation, get funneled through The Drudge Report, and then broadcast on Limbaugh’s propaganda network. This talk about Jeb! being positioned for a convention fight should not be ignored, even though Limbaugh claims Jeb! is not his chosen candidate.

Now here is where it gets weirder: Mein Trumpf is predicting riots if he is not in the first round of convention balloting. Here’s what The Huffington Post has to say:

“WASHINGTON — Although he is leading the Republican primary race by a wide margin, casino mogul Donald Trump is still far from winning the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the party’s uncontested nomination.
Trump warned Wednesday morning that there would be widespread unrest if he does not “automatically” get the nomination as the candidate with the greatest number of delegates.

“I think you would have riots,” Trump said during an interview with CNN, adding that he represents “many, many millions of people,” including several first-time voters.
Party operatives hoping to stop Trump have looked to the possibility of a brokered convention, which could block his path to becoming the nominee should he only win a plurality of delegates.
Trump said such a scenario would outrage his supporters, who have shown increasing willingness to use violence against their political detractors.

“If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but you’re 100 votes short, even though the next one is 500 votes short,’ I think you would have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen,” Trump continued. “I wouldn’t lead it, but I think bad things would happen.”


In a scathing takedown of Hillary Clinton, Andrew Levine writes in Counterpunch:

“At a minimum, Trump deserves blame for turning over the rock that had been keeping more than a few Americans’ fascist or proto-fascist demons down. If he doesn’t soon put a damper over what he started, or if it turns out that he no longer can, he will be culpable for a lot more.

But since incitement has been working for him up to this point, he has so far not changed course. Perhaps he has come to identify with the people he has been using to advance his self-promoting ambitions; perhaps, like many of them, he has now slipped out of control.

Nevertheless, the difference between the mountebank and his marks remains pertinent. So far, at least, Trump’s supporters, many of them anyway, seem more dangerous than the man himself – to an extent that makes it reasonable even now to investigate ways that Clinton might actually be worse.”

You can read more about Clinton’s destruction of Libya and coup in Honduras in the Counterpunch article linked above.

I used to defend Hillary, but those days are over. I’m done with the Clintons, but the DNC is doing everything they can to shove Hillary into the oval office. Bernie’s supporters can not be counted on to back this woman.

It does seem that we are witnessing something that hasn’t happened in a very, very long time. The outright splintering of the Republican party and the emergence of a neo-fascist cadre in it’s place.
This doesn’t look good at all, and something’s gonna bust loose at some point.

More on Jeb! and Trump:

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