Jarnagin, Ruby And Oswald Part 2 – Larry Crafard

May 1, 2016
Larry Crafard

Larry Crafard

Dallas attorney Carroll Jarnagin believed that he had seen Lee Harvey Oswald with nightclub owner Jack Ruby before the assassination of President Kennedy. This story is detailed in the previous article at this link:


Rob Clark of the excellent Podcast “The Lone Gunman” writes in with some more information:

“Excellent article and info, Barry Ernest in his book “The Girl on the Stairs”, also recounts visiting Jarnigan in a few occasions. The first visit relatively pleasant, the next Ernest said he was extemely paranoid and acting funny. I recommend it if you haven’t read it. It’s also in Joachim Joesten’s book “Oswald:The Truth” which also supposes that the man Jarnigan thought was Oswald was actually Larry Crafard. Which would make more sense and lends credence to Mary Lawrence’s story who was a waitress there, Crafard admitted in his WC testimony that he did indeed meet Ruby there in the wee hours of 11/22.

All the best,

Larry Crafard was a drifter that had claimed to have west coast mob connections. He somehow landed at Jack Ruby’s club and worked for Ruby, basically for rent in the back of the club. He has often been suggested as an “Oswald look-alike” and Crafard fled Dallas after the shooting of Kennedy, Officer Tippet and Oswald.
Rob makes a good point, but that doesn’t tie up all the loose ends of Carroll Jarnagin’s allegation that Ruby was discussing assassinations with the man supposed to be Oswald, the possible sighting at the B&B Diner of the two, and Jarnagin’s mention of Ruby also meeting with Weissman, Tippet and possibly General Walker.
To my eye, Crafard and Oswald do not look so much alike, but with Jarnagin’s memory fogged by drinking, it’s very possible that Crafard was the guy.

For a complete background on Larry Crafard, listen to Rob’s episode “The Ballad of Larry Crafard” at “The Lone Gunman Podcast” embedded below:

The Lone Gunman Podcast – Website linked here

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One Response to Jarnagin, Ruby And Oswald Part 2 – Larry Crafard

  1. Libra Sun on April 9, 2017 at 9:27 pm

    Was Larry Crafard left-handed? Because one of the (most reliable) Tippit shooting eyewitnesses, cabbie Wm. Scoggins, swore that the person he saw fleeing the scene carried his pistol in the left hand. Oswald, of course, was right-handed.

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