Is Obama Being Compromised By His State Department And CIA?

July 13, 2014


Historian Webster Tarpley has said a President is controlled in his first term by the need to raise money to run for his second term. In the President’s second term they are controlled by scandal. We have seen Nixon’s Watergate, Reagan’s Iran-Contra, Bill Clinton’s blowjob, and George Bush the lesser’s Iraq lies all grow in the second term. Tell me which of these scandals is not like the others.
According to NSA whistleblower Russel Tice, The NSA was spying on Obama when he was a Senator in Illinois in 2004 (Source), And there is no reason to believe they aren’t still doing the same thing now to Obama, Congress, and the Supreme Court. In fact, there’s a popular theory that Edward Snowden, who still claims to be working for the CIA, is a player in an operation by the CIA to keep the NSA from spying on them, too.
First Obama backed off of the plan to bomb Syria, making a deal with Putin on Syrian gas weapons. Then he balked at bombing Iran. That really, really pissed off the American neo-cons, the Israelis and the Saudis. The next thing that happened is the neo-con infested State Department hatched the overthrow of the Ukrainian government under the guidance of the foul-mouthed Victoria Nuland (wife of neo-nut-con Robert Kagan). Nuland (profiled here) had the gall to brag that the U.S. had spent a cool $5 billion on that coup. Obama seems to be going along for the ride, but in a recent article in The New York Times it is made very clear that Obama’s attempt to smooth things over in Europe has been sandbagged by his own CIA. Here’s the meat of that article:

Spying Case Left Obama in Dark, U.S. Officials Say

WASHINGTON — When President Obama placed a call to Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany last Thursday, he had a busy agenda: to consult with a close ally and to mobilize wavering Europeans to put more pressure on Russia to end its covert incursions in Ukraine.
What Mr. Obama did not know was that a day earlier, a young German intelligence operative had been arrested and had admitted that he had been passing secrets to the Central Intelligence Agency.
While Ms. Merkel chose not to raise the issue during the call, the fact that the president was kept in the dark about the blown spying operation at a particularly delicate moment in American relations with Germany has led frustrated White House officials to question who in the C.I.A.’s chain of command was aware of the case — and why that information did not make it to the Oval Office before the call.

The more things appear to change, the more they stay the same. The Obama administration has proved one thing dramatically: the power of “The Deep State” continues no matter who is in office. The Deep State spied on Senator Obama as he was being groomed for the presidency. The Deep State will undermine the President if he steers off the path. The Deep State has removed Presidents before – sometimes violently. In an article in Consortium News, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern confirms that all recent presidents fear the CIA. McGovern further states in a radio interview:

“Which leads to the question, why would he do all these things? Why would he be afraid for example, to take the drones away from the CIA? Well, I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s afraid. Number one, he’s afraid of what happened to Martin Luther King Jr. And I know from a good friend who was there when it happened, that at a small dinner with progressive supporters – after these progressive supporters were banging on Obama before the election, “Why don’t you do the things we thought you stood for?” Obama turned sharply and said, “Don’t you remember what happened to Martin Luther King Jr.?” That’s a quote, and that’s a very revealing quote.”

Perhaps we should realize the immense power Obama is up against, the challenges he faces and the immovable object known as “The Deep State”.

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