Germanys Naked Sledding Competition

January 19, 2014

naked sledding

Ok, ok, I couldn’t resist.
The winter days are pretty gloomy and grey so why not lighten it up a bit? How ’bout a bunch of naked people going sledding?
From The Huffington Post:

“Next month, the German town of Braunlage will host the fifth annual Naked Sledding World Championship, and they’re actively looking for this year’s crop of clothes-free competitors.

To apply, you must be willing to strip down for a grueling, semi-naked race on a toboggan. You’ll be laying on your stomach and propelling forward with your hands (don’t worry– gloves are one of the few articles of clothing allowed) before a crowd of about 25,000 people. In the past, the top(less) male and female sledders each received about $1,000 in prize money.

Organizers of the last Naked Sled chose only 30 participants from a pool of roughly 5,000 applications. Apparently those who “look good naked” tend to get picked, and stipulations are a bit strict: historically, contestants were chosen only from Germany, Austria or Norway, and Brits are forming their first team this year.”
Naked sledding 2

Looks cold enough to “freeze a witches tit” – and give the men “snowballs”…

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2 Responses to Germanys Naked Sledding Competition

  1. Bob Patterson on February 11, 2014 at 1:02 pm

    Damn. 🙂

  2. Fayez Abedaziz on February 7, 2017 at 4:28 am

    The Nations mentioned there don’t need the British in this.
    The only good that came out of Britain is:
    The Beatles
    and Jeff Lynne (ELO)

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