Facebook Censorship Expanding: Post This!

December 28, 2012


When does social networking become social engineering?
As a rule, I stay off Facebook. I have a Dojo Rat account just to hold the space, but I simply can’t stand using it. When I first set it up I didn’t even advertise that Dojo Rat had an account, people simply found it. Suddenly I had all these new “friends” that were posting about morning coffee or their cat throwing up. WTF?
So there it sits, another unused techno-leash. Now what really makes me mad is this story- reposted with permission and attribution to “Washington’s Blog”:

“Political Witch Hunt by Popular Social Media Sites
We’ve previously documented that the largest social media websites censor government criticism.

For example, Facebook pays low-wage foreign workers to delete certain content based upon a censorship list. For instance, Facebook deletes accounts created by any Palestinian resistance groups.

Today, Facebook deactivated the Facebook accounts of some of the leading American political critics.

For example, former diplomat and U.C. Berkeley Professor Emeritus Peter Dale Scott told us that his Facebook account was suddenly deactivated today without any justification.

So did Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

And Michael Rivero, owner of the popular website What Really Happened.

Infowars – one of the world’s most popular alternative media sites – confirms that accounts for the following political commentators have been shut down:

■Kurt Nimmo, writer for Infowars.com and formerly Counterpunch
■Aaron Dykes of Infowars
■Jason from Infowars
■Infowar Artist
Indeed, Facebook told an Infowars reporter last year not to post anything political:

Be careful making about making political statements on facebook … facebook is about building relationships not a platform for your political viewpoint. Don’t antagonize your base. Be careful and congnizat (sic) of what you are preaching.

And Infowars also confirms that the Facebook account for Natural News – one of the most popular alternative health sites – has been shut down.

Reports are that the Facebook accounts of a number of other political critics were suspended or deactivated today as well, including:

■Amber Lyon, 3-time Emmy Award winning CNN reporter
■Robert M. Bowman, former director of the “Star Wars” defense program under President Ronald Reagan
■William Rodriguez, 9/11 hero
■Anthony J. Hilder, popular radio host
■William Lewis
■Weare Change, popular citizen journalism group
■Michael Murphy
■Mike Skuthan
■Packy Savvenas
■Sean Wright and Katherine Albrect
We will update this post as we receive additional information.”
(DR) I’m curious to see what happens when people start passing this around on “The Social Network”… Please go to the link to read all the embedded links


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