Corona Virus Modified In 2015

March 8, 2020

In this current era, March of 2020, we have no idea how far the Corona virus will spread, or how deadly it will be. Many origin theories have been spun, the only unlikely theory is that it came from animals in a food market, which it almost certainly did not.

Rather than take a deep dive through the various conspiracy theories, let’s look at one good, reliable article that should ring the alarm bells.
This article, published online in “The Scientist” in 2015, is available at this link, please share it:

Let’s take a look at some excerpts:

Lab-Made Coronavirus Triggers Debate

“The creation of a chimeric SARS-like virus has scientists discussing the risks of gain-of-function research”

“Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine.”


“They also reignite a debate about whether that information justifies the risk of such work, known as gain-of-function research. “If the [new] virus escaped, nobody could predict the trajectory,” Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, told Nature.”


“In October 2013, the US government put a stop to all federal funding for gain-of-function studies, with particular concern rising about influenza, SARS, and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).”


“The debate comes down to how informative the results are. “The only impact of this work is the creation, in a lab, of a new, non-natural risk,” Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist and biodefence expert at Rutgers University, told Nature.”


So here is proof that the Corona Virus has, at least in a lab that published results, been engineered.
Not only that, but scientists say if the virus escaped, nobody could say how deadly it would be.


Now, lets look at a book that may have predicted something very close to the current Corona Virus.

Fever dreams: did author Dean Koontz really predict coronavirus?


“According to an online conspiracy theory, the American author Dean Koontz predicted the coronavirus outbreak in 1981. His novel The Eyes of Darkness made reference to a killer virus called “Wuhan-400” – eerily predicting the Chinese city where Covid-19 would emerge. But the similarities end there: Wuhan-400 is described as having a “kill‑rate” of 100%, developed in labs outside the city as the “perfect” biological weapon. An account with more similarities, also credited by some as predicting coronavirus, is found in the 2011 film Contagion, about a global pandemic that jumps from animals to humans and spreads arbitrarily around the globe.”

Here is the cover of that 1981 novel:

And here is one of the pages that describes the virus:


Much like Tom Clancy or other spy novelists, I’m sure Dean Koontz had his sources in the intelligence agencies that informed him about the Biosafety 4 lab in Wuhan.

If indeed this virus is weaponized, it’s hard to say by who. It’s hard to believe the Chinese would have intentionally released it on it’s own population.
And, we see in the article above that the virus was modified to upgrade the “Gain of Function” aspect, which makes it more deadly.

Professor Francis A. Boyle, an expert who wrote the book “Biowarfare and Terrorism”, has said in an interview that “Gain of Function” modifications indicate a manufactured virus.
Dr. Boyle is interviewed here:

It seems more probable if the virus was intentionally released, it was to damage the Chinese economy.
Please note that the two perceived enemies of “The Empire”, China and Iran, are ground zero for the spread of the virus:

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