John Taylor Gatto may be one of the most fascinating educators I have ever read or heard of, even if I question some of his solutions to problems associated with teaching and learning. I have to add that I was introduced to Gatto by his interviews with Richard Grove at the “Tragedy And Hope” website, […]
Hidden History
You need to know what’s really been going on…
University of Washington Legal Center Battling State Department, CIA
U.S. reportedly supplied chemical, biological weapons to Salvadoran military The Center For Human Rights at The University of Washington has released more U.S. documents from the bloody civil war in El Salvador in the 1980’s, this time with startling information indicating official knowledge of death squad activity and the reported use of chemical and biological […]
Bush, Cheney, Condi: All Knew 9/11 Was Coming And Suppressed The Warnings
Politico is reporting recent revelations of intense warnings to The Bush White House that the 9/11 attacks were coming and they did nothing to stop the attacks. This information, delivered directly to Condi Rice brought this response from Bush and Cheney: ‘we’re not quite ready to consider this. We don’t want the clock to start […]
Review: The Search For Lee Harvey Oswald – By Robert J. Groden
The weekend of November 22nd was the 52nd anniversary of the Kennedy assassination in Dallas, 1963. As luck would have it, we were visiting my favorite used bookstore in a nearby town and found a real score; “The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald – A Comprehensive Photographic Record” by Robert J. Groden. Groden has been […]
Paris Attacks Phase 2
With the thousands of refugee’s entering Europe from American-caused chaos in the Middle East, the second wave of terror attacks was bound to happen. I’ve waited several days to comment because I wanted to survey the early reports on who, what and why these attacks occurred. Let me be clear that I do not fall […]
The Kill Zone?
Kennedy assassination researcher and author of “Crossfire” Jim Marrs was on a recent radio interview and pointed out something I had never seen before. If you look very closely to this photo you will see a three-foot section of curb painted yellow on the far left and far right of the photo. This was taken […]
Did The CIA Pull A “Black Bag” Job On The University of Washington?
The Center for Human Rights (CHR) at The University of Washington is caught up in a complex case involving war crimes in El Salvador, a pending lawsuit against the CIA, a break-in of an office and theft of a computer and hard drive containing information on the case. Here is a summary of the lawsuit […]
Chilean “Torture Town” Colonia Dignidad Back In The News
Back in September 2013 we reported on Chile’s “Torture Town”; Colonia Dignidad. Here is the link for the original article and many embedded links: Colonia is back in the news because a Chilean human rights group leaked a 1,000-page document that provides detail of the Chilean Nazi Government of Augusto Pinochet and its use […]
Brain Implants For Mind Control Are Coming
The Wall Street Journal and other sources are reporting that an upcoming revolution in medicine will include brain implants, and this is causing quite an ethical skirmish among observers. From The WSJ: “Brain implants today are where laser eye surgery was several decades ago. They are not risk-free and make sense only for a […]