Alex Gillis, author of “A Killing Art” has kept me on his mailing list since we communicated years ago. Attached is a newsletter summary of his book, but first, here is my review of his book from 2011: Review: “A Killing Art” by Alex Gillis I am sometimes late to the party, but when I […]
Hidden History
You need to know what’s really been going on…
FBI Mission Statement: Keep Progressives Out Of Politics
Every now and then the FBI reveals their true nature. The latest not-so-secret slip of the lip involves some supposedly legendary FBI agent and the suppression of progressives in politics. This should be a wake-up call for the so-called “Resistance” Democrats who are so enamored with The FBI’s investigation of the Trump crime family. Note […]
Weaponized Hypnosis Part 2: The Manchurian Candidate
In this article we will look further into the use of “weaponized hypnosis” by the military and intelligence agencies. In part 1 we took a look at the CIA’s “Kubark Manual”, also referred to as “The CIA Document of Human Manipulation”. The Kubark manual covered using hypnosis, often combined with drugs, to interrogate enemy prisoners. […]
Was The Head Of The Communist Party USA On The CIA Payroll?
Let’s take a dive into some informed speculation; Was Earl Browder, the former head of the Communist Party in the United States on the CIA’s payroll? Earl Browder is also the grandfather of Bill Browder, a renegade financial scammer that fled Russia and the US to avoid taxes. He now resides in London. Bill Browder […]
Review: “Propaganda” By Edward Bernays
It’s all around us; on street signs, radio, papers, books and most importantly – television. It’s propaganda, and the person who re-popularized the term was Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud. “Propaganda” was written in 1928, at the dawn of serious mass media. Radio had been out for a while, and he makes mention […]
Jeffery Kaye Interview: U.S. Used Biological Warfare On North Korea
In April we looked at a report by Dr. Jeffrey Kaye that detailed how the U.S. military and CIA dropped Plague-infested fleas onto North Korean villages. This new information Kaye dug up answers a lot of questions from that era – and introduces us to a long line of biological war projects that coincidentally dovetails […]
Why The U.S. Has Hammered Nicaragua For Decades
There’s lots of trouble going on in Nicaragua right now, after a seemingly quiet period post-Reagan administration. Like Venezuela, Nicaragua has been squeezed for years and years. No matter how much the U.S. objects, these countries exhibit elements of socialism which have pulled millions of poor people into a better existence. Now, there are riots […]
Pick Your Poison… Updates
This must be the all-time record for incidents of poison attacks being in the news, on three continents. Let’s start with the methodically documented revelations by Jeffrey Kaye about the U.S. using biological warfare on North Korea. This story has been long rumored and was the subject of early hysteria about “brainwashing” of American POW’s […]
Len Colodny vs. John Dean
We’ve been reviewing the Watergate scandal lately, due to the similarities with the Trump Crime Family’s current predicament. Our last review was the testimony of James McCord and this time we take a look at the strange role of John Dean. Dean is the sometimes-hero of contemporary progressives because he ratted some of the Nixon […]