You need to know what’s really been going on…
July 11, 2013
Sometimes I’m late to the party, but I always bring extra beer. We finally rented the movie “Argo”, the thriller about the Iran hostage crises that won an Oscar at the Academy Awards. The movie was incredibly well acted and kept you on the edge of your seat. However, it was largely built on a […]
Tags: Bani Sadr, CIA, Iran-Contra, October Surprise, Robert Parry, Ronald Reagan, Treason, U.S. Embassy
Posted in Hidden History, Tell the truth and run ! | No Comments »
July 5, 2013
Let me say a few things before we get to this important article; 1. Note that the 1973 oil crises that we experienced, causing huge price increases and long lines was not the because of shortages. It was pay-back by OPEC for the U.S. arming Israel during the Yom Kippur war when Egypt and Syria […]
Tags: 1973 oil crises, neo-liberalism, NSA surveillance, OPEC, protests in Egypt, Reganomics, Revolution, Thatcherism, Yom Kippur war
Posted in Hidden History, News and Views | No Comments »
June 18, 2013
Over the past couple of months we’ve looked at the strange circumstances surrounding the Boston Marathon bombing and the Tsarnaev brothers. My working theory is that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was being, or had been recruited by one or more intelligence agencies and then double-crossed his handlers instead of returning to Russia for mayhem. We know he […]
Tags: 911, American Neo-cons, Bin Laden, Boston Marathon Bombing, Caspian Sea oil, Chechen Rebels, Chechen torture and kidnapping, CIA, FBI, Mark Ames, Russia, Saudi funding, The Jamestown Foundation, Tsarnaev brothers
Posted in Hidden History, Tell the truth and run ! | No Comments »
June 7, 2013
Something very interesting has been going on in the last Forty years. It appears that some of the old colonial powers are favoring a return to something akin to the Ottoman empire. For those who need a refresher, here’s the Wikipedia notes: “During the 16th and 17th centuries, in particular at the height of its […]
Tags: CIA, George Bush, Islam, Muslim, Nazis, New World Order, Ottoman Empire, Professor Robert kaplan
Posted in Hidden History, Tell the truth and run ! | No Comments »
June 4, 2013
Readers of Dojo Rat please bear with me; we are going to take a look at what is going on in Turkey right now. Believe me, this appears to be “the next big thing” In a nutshell, Turkey has been controlled by a secular military government for many, many years, Now, with the various “color […]
Tags: Ataturk, CIA, Erdogan, Islam, secular Turkish government, Turkey, Turkish protests, US military
Posted in Hidden History, News and Views | No Comments »
May 31, 2013
Every now-and-then a dark seceret is leaked in a novel or movie that exposes a subject so controversial that people think that it surely must be fiction. Examples can be found in Tom Clancy books or movies such as Robert Redford’s “Three Days of the Condor” and George C. Scott’s “The Formula”. Here is where […]
Tags: Chicago, Fascism, Gangster Diciples, King Alfred Plan, Reagan plan for internment camps, Rex 84, round up 18000 black men, school-to-prison pipeline, Senator Mark Kirk
Posted in Hidden History, Tell the truth and run ! | 4 Comments »
April 28, 2013
In Part 1 of our look into the intrigue behind the Boston Bombing we saw that one cell of a Russian spy ring was caught operating out of Boston. Here’s a few excerpts of an article from the L.A Times: “One suspect wrote columns for a Spanish-language newspaper in New York. Another ran an international […]
Tags: Al-qaeda, Boston Bombing, Boston Jihad fundraising, FBI informants, Misha, Russian Olympics 2014, Russian Spies, Russian wiretap of Tsarnaev family, Syria, Tsarnaev brothers
Posted in Hidden History, News and Views, Tell the truth and run ! | No Comments »
April 21, 2013
With the horrible events surrounding the bombing at The Boston Marathon seemingly coming to an end, we have only seen the tip of the iceberg and a whole new chapter is beginning. The suspects, two brothers -Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, were reportadly involved in running gun battles with authorities. Tamerlan, age 26 was killed by […]
Tags: Boston Bombing, Boston Marathon, Chechnya, CIA, Dzhokhar Tsaranev, FBI, Russia, Russian Spy Ring, Sibel Edmonds, Tamerlan Tsaranev, U.S. Neo-cons
Posted in Hidden History, News and Views, Tell the truth and run ! | 4 Comments »
April 9, 2013
Yesterday’s death of British leader Margaret Thatcher signals the last “Iron nail” in the coffin of Thatcher/Reaganomics. The only places that display grief over Thatchers passing are the financial districts of London and Wall Street, her true constituents. From “Raw Story”: “in the edgy south London neighbourhood of Brixton, sworn enemies of the former Iron […]
Tags: celebrating Margaret Thatcher's death, Iran-Contra, Kamal Adham, Mark Thatcher and arms dealing, Ronald Reagan and Thatcher, Saudi Intelligence
Posted in Hidden History, Tell the truth and run ! | 3 Comments »
March 19, 2013
Richard Millhouse Nixon, the most loathed and tragic figure of the Republican Party until George W. Bush, has yet another nail in his coffin. The Atlantic Wire has a great article about some newly released tapes from the Johnson Presidency: “Rumors and whispers of Richard Nixon’s ‘treason’ — sabotaging Vietnam peace talks to help his […]
Tags: Anna Chennault, Flying Tigers, Heroin trade, Nazi war criminals, Nixon and Reagan treason, October Suprise, Richard Nixon, Robert Parry, Ronald Reagan, Watergate
Posted in Hidden History, Tell the truth and run ! | 1 Comment »