“Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon” by Dave McGowan has been a long time coming, as it was serialized first on the internet as Dave collected information and worked out the bugs. The intriguing subtitle is “Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream”, eluding to a time of change in the […]
Hidden History
You need to know what’s really been going on…
Emerging Viruses And The Threat of Biowarfare
After listening to several excellent interviews with Dr. Leonard Horowitz, I ordered his book “Emerging Viruses – Aids and Ebola; Nature, Accident or Intentional?” In this heavily foot noted 500-plus page book, Dr. Horowitz makes a persuasive case that some of the most dangerous diseases on the planet came out of labs doing research on […]
Ukraine; Night of the Long Knives Again?
Just months after State Department neo-con Victoria Nuland bragged that the U.S. had spent $5 billion to install a favorable government in Ukraine, a bloody purge is about to occur in that country. Two articles from this week set the stage for a repeat of “The Night of the Long Knives”, the murderous infighting between […]
The Neo-Cons, The Nazis and The Snipers
Just a matter of weeks after U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland handed out cookies and bragged about spending $5 Billion Dollars to orchestrate a change of government in Ukraine, Kiev is in shambles with many dead on both sides. Nuland was also wiretapped saying “Fuck the E.U.” when greater Europe dragged it’s collective […]
“Judo” Gene LeBell Was Once Charged With Murder, Intrigue
“Judo” Gene LeBell is a long-time familiar character in the martial arts community. LeBell is legendary in Judo and Wrestling circles, and was a stunt man and actor in Hollywood. Most recently, he is remembered for the story that he had a dispute with Aikido expert Steven Seagal – partly concerning Seagals crippling treatment of […]
The Secret Government, Drugs and Terrorism
It’s always been said that wherever the CIA goes, drugs come back. That may be a simplification. Evidence is mounting to suggest that the heroin trade has gone global, not just in its distribution, but in the ability of the players to stage world-changing events. The Russian-centric website Strategic Culture.org has this report on Afghan […]
The Lockerbie Bombing Truth – 25 Years Late
This week marks the 25th anniversary of the bombing of Pan-Am 103 over Lockerbie Scotland, and people are starting to set the record straight. 259 people on the aircraft and 11 on the ground were killed, and despite other available evidence, the blame fell on Libya. The dark path of rediscovery in this crime leads […]
The Hypno-Programmed Assassin
Back in July we looked at new technology for advertising that uses “Voice to skull technology”, where messages can be broadcast into a person’s head and only that person can hear it. This technology is now being used to play adds for people as they walk by billboards for instance. It has also long been […]
Kennedy and Oswald: Two Firsthand Accounts
November 2013 is the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy – an event that was planned long before November 22, 1963. Despite the flood of absolute crap coming out in the heavily-controlled mass media, a majority of Americans are aware of a conspiracy to kill the President. It’s deeply troubling that […]