The direct linkage between Iran-Contra, The Boston Marathon bombing and the recent failed Turkish coup is CIA officer Graham Fuller By John Titus Once again proving that CIA officers never actually retire, Graham Fuller has been caught with his hands all over the recent coup attempt in Turkey. The July 15th attempt from within the […]
Tell the truth and run !
The Linkage Between Iran-Contra, The Boston Marathon Bombing And The Turkish Coup Attempt
“28 Pages” – Saudi 9/11 Documents Declassified, Released
Typically, important information is fed to the press on a Friday, before a holiday, or in this case on the eve of the contentious Republican Convention in Cleveland. As one would expect, the release of the top secret “28 pages” implicating Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks was met with stirring silence. Though long awaited, […]
Robots Don’t Cry
Are we ready for the “Brave New World” where robots are tasked to kill humans? The Dallas police shootings and subsequent “death by robot” of the suspect raise new questions that may haunt or hunt us in the future. Last Thursday night Micah Xavier Johnson, the suspect who allegedly shot five Dallas police officers and […]
The “Fourth Reich” In The E.U.
In the wake of the “Brexit” vote, multiple mainstream news sources are linking the emergence of the E.U. to a long-range plan by the CIA and German industrialists to return Europe to German control. As described in our previous article, linked HERE, we looked at a stunning article in the Telegraph.UK that details how the […]
Weisbecker On Expat Surfer Communities And Conspiracy Denial
Allan Weisbecker is a fascinating, driven individual. I first heard of Allan when he debated philosopher-theorist Joe Atwill on Atwills podcast. The subject was Atwill’s claim that writer Ken Kesey had been in on a government plot to destabilize the 60’s youth movement. Weisbecker pretty much handed Atwill his ass with a spirited defense of […]
June 5 1968: Robert Kennedy Assassination
Boston Bomber Tsarnaev Was Under Investigation Despite FBI Denial
Investigators at the “Who, What, Why” website (via Global Research article here) have found documents that suggest Tamerlan Tsarnaev was indeed under a terrorist investigation at the time of the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013. The FBI has previously denied this fact. The document is pictured above and although some information is redacted, […]
Wikileaks: CIA In Japan, LSD At Atsugi, Nagell And Oswald
Declassified documents released by Wikileaks show political tension regarding CIA activities in Japan after revelations of the 1975 Church Committee Hearings. These issues were raised at a budget committee hearing with questions put to Japanese government officials. By John Titus Here is the link to the transcript: (emphasis added) CIA ACTIVITIES IN JAPAN Date: […]
Warren Commission Critic Mark Lane Has Passed Away
Mark Lane, one of the earliest, most vocal and controversial critics of the Warren Commission died last week on May 10th. He was 89 years old, and remained active to the end. Lane rankled many feathers in the contentious Kennedy assassination research community, yet provided some of the earliest and best leads to uncovering the […]
Book Review: The Yankee And Cowboy War – By Carl Olgesby
Understanding today’s political theater – with shifting allegiances, back-stabbing, and “dark money” contributing to steer the ship of state – firmly requires looking back to look forward. Identifying patterns of corruption from the past enables us to interpret those of today and suspect what may occur in the future. One of the very best books […]