Thanks to our friends at “Our Hidden History” for directing me to this revealing article, which builds on previous work I have done on “voice-to-skull technology”. This type of technology can be used to transmit voice, or speech directly into a target’s head. This gives a whole new explanation to the recent cases of shooters […]
Tell the truth and run !
Venezuela Arms Shipment Reveals Apparent CIA Weapons Pipeline
McClatchy News Service has been doing some great reporting on a series of weapons shipments to support the CIA-backed coup against the Maduro government in Venezuela. The first article ran on Feburary 7 and was titled: “Venezuela says plane from Miami delivered weapons for use by enemies of Maduro (Excerpts) “Venezuelan authorities say a […]
FBI Mission Statement: Keep Progressives Out Of Politics
Every now and then the FBI reveals their true nature. The latest not-so-secret slip of the lip involves some supposedly legendary FBI agent and the suppression of progressives in politics. This should be a wake-up call for the so-called “Resistance” Democrats who are so enamored with The FBI’s investigation of the Trump crime family. Note […]
The Jamal Khashoggi Murder Is Linked To His Knowledge Of 9/11
The brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and subsequent cover-up attempt by the Saudi’s is gradually being revealed to have been linked to 9/11. In October I questioned if Khashoggi was murdered due to his knowledge of the planning and financing of the 9/11 attacks: Mood of Alabama explains a lot here: But I can't […]
Tracking Military, Surveillance And VIP Aircraft
I’ve been following this fascinating Twitter Feed by Manu Gomez, which appears to use publicly available tracking information on military and surveillance aircraft. This is a valuable tool to observe behind-the-scenes activity of aircraft on sensitive operations. This information can provide valuable clues to the inner workings of the warfare state, giving us lead-time notice […]
CIA Asset Dr. Richard Fuisz, Terex and Lockerbie
Shredding The Novichok Mythology
“Intel Today” has a great break-down of the operation blaming the Russians for the Skripal and Rowley/Sturgess poisoning, along with comments by former Ambassador Craig Murray. Nothing adds up in this attempt to create Cold War 2.0 by linking these two incidents. Supposedly Rowley found the “Novichok” perfume in an unopened package that had to […]
It’s Not Novichok. It’s An Overdose Of Heroin/Fentanyl
The case for a Russian nerve-agent attack on the Skripal’s completely fell apart when they recovered and want into silent running. Now the British government is doubling down with a second case of so-called Russian “Novichok” poisoning. However, buried within recent articles about the second couple who fell ill, are snippets of the truth – […]
Get Ready For Terrorist Attack, Trump Power Grab
Things are coming unglued in Trumpland. Manafort likely going to jail. Cohen flipping. And now Princess Ivanka and her two idiot brothers have been swept into a lawsuit by the New York State Attorney General regarding serious charity fraud charges. It appears Trump was siphoning funds from a charity to pay legal bills and other […]
A Dark Vision Of Human Depopulation
I always enjoy listening to podcasts by James Howard Kunstler, who envisions global markets and technology driven to a halt by natural events, collapse of energy resources, and conflict. Kunstler provides a reassuring solution in a return to life as it was in the 1800’s, but with an enlightened back-to-the-land feel. He does however interview […]