Reports are coming in that a plane carrying members of the Bin Laden family has had an unusual crash, killing all on board. From Sputnik News: (excerpts) “A plane crash at a car auction in Hampshire England has left four dead. The tragedy is made all the more eerie by the fact the aircraft […]
Tell the truth and run !
USAID And Population Services International
By John Titus Historically, U.S. Intelligence agencies have used “front” companies to disguise their activities. These have included banks, airlines, insurance companies, non-governmental organizations (NGO’S) and nearly every type of business you can imagine. In a recent article we interviewed David Slawson, an attorney/investigator for the Warren Commission inquiry into the assassination of President Kennedy. […]
My Interviews With David Slawson Of The Warren Commission
By John Titus There are researchers that spend every day digging deeply into the 50 year-old unsolved mystery of the Kennedy assassination. It’s hard to understand the motivation until you realize that Kennedy’s death in Dallas on November 22nd 1963 provides a road map to unlocking nearly every covert plot since then. We’re talking about […]
One “Flu” Over The Conspiracy Nest
This story has been circulating for some time, but it just crossed my desk again and I thought we should revisit evidence of a documented, litigated conspiracy. In 2009, people were freaking out about the h1n1 Swine-Flu virus. Predictions were that it was to be the next pandemic flu outbreak, potentially killing millions of people. […]
The Military / Professional Sports Complex
These days it should be painfully obvious that the military treats their veterans like used Kleen-ex. They’re heroes when the corporations trot them off to war, and seem to be disposed of when they return as damaged goods. No amount of “Wounded Warrior” programs run by civilians can keep up with the seemingly endless supply […]
Gerald Ford’s Big Kennedy Assassination Lie
Gerald Ford, the guy President Johnson said “was so dumb he couldn’t walk and chew gum at the same time” was known to have been a FBI snitch within the Warren Commission. The Commission of course, had been set up to whitewash the evidence and create the cover story of a single, deranged Lee Harvey […]
Jade Helm, The Minerva Project, and The Coming Mega-Drought
Several readers have asked me to comment on the upcoming “Jade Helm” military exercise planned for the southwestern United States this summer. The military drill has been quite the buzz on the internet and right-wing talk radio recently, but it’s not just the fantasy of the tin-foil cowboy hat crowd. Here’s what an article in […]
“Gladio” And The Strategy Of Tension
There is a method of controlling society that the elite have known about since the beginning of time; control through fear and intimidation to the point where people will beg for stable authority. It’s been called many things, but in our modern age it is generally called “the strategy of tension”. Here’s how Wikipedia defines […]
The Oklahoma City Bombing 20 Years Later – What Really Happened?
Sunday April 19th is the 20th anniversary of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 168 people lost their lives, including a number of children in a day-care center for children of employees. As reported, no agents of The Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agency were in the building, although […]
The Crisis Of Democracy
In our ongoing research into what the hell went wrong with America – wealth and class inequality, police-state racism and the plundering of resources at the expense of the American people – we must look not only at government but at un-elected members of private think-tanks. The Anglo-American establishment is heavy with foundations, institutes and […]