Screenshot from Mobey video
Buried deep in a Huffington Post article about Mobey’s new album “More Fast Songs About the Apocalypse”, is a real gem about a tip he received from an intelligence source concerning Donald Trump. Accompanied by Disney-like videos depicting Trump as a rampaging Nazi character, the album is sure to stir controversy. Here’s a link to the article:
New Moby Video Depicts Donald Trump’s Rise And A Violent Demise
In HuffPost premiere, Moby spoke about activism and becoming a reluctant mouthpiece for anti-Trump intel.
In February, Moby garnered media attention when he claimed, on social media, that he had sources that confirmed to him that Trump is being “blackmailed” by the Russian government.
“Intelligence agencies around the world, and here in the u.s, [sic] are horrified by the incompetence of the trump administration, and are working to present information that will lead to high level firings and, ultimately, impeachment,” Moby wrote. He also stated that the Trump administration might try to use a war with Iran as a distraction.
Although Moby’s claim to have reliable sources seemed questionable at the time, the statement still gained widespread coverage. Variety reported that Moby’s followers drew a line between the resignation of then National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and his prediction.
“I didn’t want as much attention as I got,” Moby explained to HuffPost with a laugh. “I don’t want to be the sort of ad-hoc mouthpiece for disgruntled people who work at intelligence agencies. But I just, felt like I had an audience and [my friends in the intelligence community had] asked me to sort of just draw attention to what the administration was doing to try and drum up an excuse for war.”
For those still deeply curious about this Moby-as-Deep-Throat situation, here’s his full explanation:
“Without saying too much, over the years [I have] somehow managed to become friends with people in intelligence services in different countries. And I met up with some of them a few months ago, and they were talking about the Russian dossier and how everyone associated with it is being killed off.
And the thing that kind of scared them the most, was the false pretenses that the Trump administration were drumming up to try to go to war. Specifically at that time they were concerned about, I think it was the USS Cole, was antagonizing Iran. And the Trump administration was hoping that Iran would do something that would justify us going to war with Iran.
So one reason I posted that was in my own way to let the administration know that the intelligence communities ― and I’m not sure the only person doing this ― but there was awareness of what they were doing.
And the other stuff I posted ― like in the post I said look at Michael Flynn ― and a week later he was fired. Just as a way, again I can’t say too much, but just as a way of sort of like, trying to add legitimacy to the other things that I was writing about.”
Moby also revealed that his source was a “career intelligence person” that asked him to relay this information ― all of which is unconfirmed. According to Moby though, “the straw that really broke the camel’s back” in terms of Trump’s relationship with the intel community is when immediately after his inauguration, Trump “went to the FBI headquarters and gave a self-promoting speech in front of the wall of fallen heroes.”
“If Trump is impeached or forced to resign, you can kind of trace it back to that moment,” said Moby. “That’s when all the career intelligence officers just decided that Trump is terrible and has to go.”
Allegedly Mobey made these claims before Michael Flynn was forced out of the administration, which suggests he was on the right track.
Regardless of Russian meddling, something every country does to gain an edge, Trump’s real weak spot is his financial scandals. Going after Russian espionage and collusion charges may prove to be difficult. But common criminality relating to Trump’s unusual loans, real estate deals, and Jarred Kushner’s back-channel negotiations with the Russians are in plain view.
One thing I have been giving thought to is if Trump was allowed into the White House so that the intelligence agencies could finish off the office of the Presidency. What if they wanted someone so reprehensible in office that they could crush the President, and by extension the Presidency itself. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility.
It’s going to be a rough ride, let’s hope we can avoid another world war.
Here’s the video, it’s very, very good:
Ha! I read that little article and, at the time, thought it must be ‘fake news’! I mean– Mobey?!
The plot thickens– by the day!