Another Corrupt FBI Set-Up

July 9, 2017

People who are excitedly awaiting a take-down of the Trump Crime Family by the FBI are ignoring the horrible track record of that agency. Robert Mueller has nearly become a folk hero in the early days of his Trump investigation, and of all people, Democrats are worshiping the former FBI director.

Now we have another example of an FBI sting that is so twisted, the agency should be sued and agents involved fired. This case revolves around a young man that actually refused to go along with the FBI plot and got set up and arrested anyway. Here are some details:

Man charged in mass shooting plot at Milwaukee Masonic center seeks release


“Sixteen months after the FBI announced it had thwarted a planned mass shooting in downtown Milwaukee, lawyers for the man charged in the plot say he adamantly refused to participate when pressed by informants they say had been goading their client for months.”

The claim comes in a new court motion that Samy Mohamed Hamzeh, 25, should be released on bail pending his trial, now set for February.


“While the news of Hamzeh’s arrest in early 2016 carried overtones of terrorism — federal prosecutors said he was planning to kill at least 30 people to “defend Islam” — the resulting charges were two counts of possessing a machine gun and one count of possessing a silencer, all of which he bought for $570 from undercover FBI agents. Each count carries up to 10 years in prison.

Hamzeh’s attorneys, federal public defenders Craig Albee and Joseph Bugni, note that the criminal complaint against their client fails to mention that despite the hours of recorded Arabic conversations with the informants, he ultimately “rejected their overtures and lectured his informant friends about why such a plan would be wrong.”


In this interview in The Atlantic, Trevor Aronson, author of “The Terror Factory” describes the method the FBI uses to create false terror attacks:

Trevor Aaronson: The FBI is looking for what they term “a lone wolf terrorist,” which is someone holed up in an apartment somewhere who sympathizes with Al-Qaeda but may lack the specific means to do that. And so the FBI uses sting operations to [find] these people — these people who may want to commit an act of terrorism, are right on that line from moving from sympathizer to operator — and then through these sting operations, lure them out and get them involved in a terrorism plot that they’re ultimately prosecuted for.

But what I found is that of these cases, we can point to a handful of real, dangerous terrorists, like Faisal Shahzad, who came close to bombing [New York’s] Times Square, or Najibullah Zazi, who came close to bombing the New York City subway system. But so many more of them, more than 150 people, were these men who were caught in sting operations who never had the means and, in some cases, never had the idea for the terrorism plot, and it was the FBI that provided them with everything — the bomb, the transportation, everything they needed to move forward in a terrorism plot that on their own, they never would have been able to do. And certainly evidence suggests that in most of these cases, they never had any specific connections to terrorism. So it’s really hard to believe that they ever would have had or acquired the means to commit some sort of act of terrorism.”


Perhaps the most odious example of FBI sting operations included the infamous Ali Mohammed, the FBI/CIA agent who actually trained the 1993 World Trade Center bombers. Here is an excerpt from an interview with Peter Lance, author of “Triple Cross”:

“In the years leading to the 9/11 attacks, no single agent of al Qaeda was more successful in compromising the U.S. intelligence community than a former Egyptian army captain turned CIA operative, Special Forces advisor, and FBI informant named Ali Mohamed.

Interview: Triple Cross: A Conversation With Peter Lance

“Spying first for the Central Intelligence Agency and later the FBI, Mohamed even succeeded in penetrating the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg — while simultaneously training the cell that blew up the World Trade Center in 1993. He went on to train Osama bin Laden’s personal bodyguard, and photographed the U.S. embassy in Kenya taking the surveillance pictures bin Laden himself used to target the suicide truck bomb that killed 224 and injured thousands there in 1998.

“Mohamed accomplished all that fully nine years after the FBI first photographed the cell he trained using automatic weapons at a firing range on Long Island. He lived the quiet life of a Silicon Valley computer executive while slipping off to Afghanistan and the Sudan to train some of al Qaeda’s most lethal terrorists in bomb-making and assassination tradecraft. He was so trusted by bin Laden that Ali was given the job of moving the Saudi “Emir” from Afghanistan to Khartoum in 1991 and then back to Jalalabad in 1996-much of that time maintaining his status as an FBI informant who worked his Bureau control agent like a mole.

“Mohamed twice played host to al Qaeda’s second-in-command, Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, who traveled to the U.S. in the 1990s to raise money for the Jihad. He used his Army vacation to hunt down elite Soviet Spetsnaz commandos in Afghanistan, and later toyed with gullible special agents in New York and San Francisco while he learned the inner workings of the FBI’s al Qaeda playbook.


The FBI are no heroes.
They have an agenda to continually set up patsy’s on false charges to justify their own budget as well as strike fear in the public psyche and develop elements of social control.
Let Mueller do his job with Trump but don’t deify him.

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