Russian Report: Tsarnaev Trained at U.S.-Sponsered Seminar

May 2, 2013
Bombing Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev

Bombing Suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev

Sources in Russia are reporting that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the Boston bombing suspect, was trained at a seminar by a right-wing think-tank.

First, here is the report, translated from the original Russian in “Izvestia”:

“Tamer­lane Tsar­naeva recruited via the Geor­gian Foundation

One of the orga­niz­ers of the ter­ror­ist attack in Boston, stud­ied at the work­shop held in con­junc­tion with the Geor­gian spe­cial ser­vices Americans

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At the dis­posal of “Izves­tia” has doc­u­ments Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Depart­ment Min­istry of Inter­nal Affairs of Geor­gia, con­firm­ing that the Geor­gian orga­ni­za­tion “Fund of Cau­ca­sus”, which coop­er­ates with the U.S. non-profit orga­ni­za­tion “Jamestown” (the board of direc­tors of NGOs pre­vi­ously entered one of the ide­ol­o­gists of U.S. for­eign pol­icy, Zbig­niew Brzezin­ski), was engaged in recruit­ing res­i­dents North Cau­ca­sus to work in the inter­ests of the United States and Georgia.

Accord­ing to the reports of Colonel Chief Direc­torate Coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Depart­ment Min­istry of Inter­nal Affairs of Geor­gia Gre­gory Chan­turia to the Min­is­ter of Inter­nal Affairs Irakli Garib­ashvili, “Cau­casian fund” in coop­er­a­tion with the Foun­da­tion “Jamestown” in the sum­mer of 2012 con­ducted work­shops and sem­i­nars for young peo­ple of the Cau­ca­sus, includ­ing its Russ­ian part. Some of them attended Tsar­naev Tamer­lane, who was in Rus­sia from Jan­u­ary to July 2012.

“Cau­casian fund” writes Tchan­turia was estab­lished Novem­ber 7, 2008, just after the Georgian-Ossetian con­flict, “to con­trol the processes tak­ing place in the North Cau­ca­sus region.” Accord­ingly, the Depart­ment of the Inte­rior Min­istry coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence case was brought intel­li­gence oper­a­tions called “DTV”. Main pur­pose is to recruit young peo­ple and intel­lec­tu­als of the North Cau­ca­sus to enhance insta­bil­ity and extrem­ism in the south­ern regions of Russia.

“In order to finance the orga­ni­za­tion was deter­mined monthly amount of $ 33 mil­lion lari (660 thou­sand). Since the estab­lish­ment of the orga­ni­za­tion before 1 Jan­u­ary 2013 the amount allo­cated in the end amounted to 4.058 mil­lion GEL (81.1 mil­lion), “- wrote in a report Tchanturia.

The doc­u­ments referred to, and the work of the “Cau­casian fund” in the three bor­der areas of Azer­bai­jan and Dages­tan — Bal­a­can, Zakatal­sky and Kakh.

In addi­tion, Colonel coun­ter­in­tel­li­gence Tbil­isi reports that secu­rity forces in Chech­nya through Geor­gia “Cau­casian fund” and fund “Jamestown” are sym­pa­thetic to the Geor­gian peo­ple, who are invited to var­i­ous events in the repub­lic under the inno­cent pre­texts. In these sem­i­nars, the Rus­sians are recruit­ing and prepar­ing acts of terrorism.

Deputy head of the NGO “Agency of the socio-political ini­tia­tives” Tatiev Iles, who over­sees the North Cau­ca­sus Fed­eral Dis­trict, said that the activ­i­ties of the “Cau­casian fund” raises too many questions.

– Where in Geor­gia, which exists on the loans, the extra money for some funds? — Ask the expert. — I do not exclude that this fund is affil­i­ated with the Depart­ment of State in the North Caucasus.

The head of the New York office of the Insti­tute for Democ­racy and Coop­er­a­tion Andranik Migranyan, who learned about the “Cau­casian fund” from the “News”, believes that the activ­i­ties of the orga­ni­za­tion, as it is depicted in the doc­u­ments that fits into the pol­icy of the Geor­gian authorities.

– Saakashvili admin­is­tra­tion is con­duct­ing an overt anti-Russian line — says the analyst.

Direc­tor Gen­eral of the National Strat­egy Coun­cil Valery Ham­sters argues that exag­ger­ated the force of exter­nal enemy in Geor­gia may be ben­e­fi­cial to the man­age­ment of the North Cau­casian republics.

– I think the dan­ger is exag­ger­ated Geor­gian fac­tor — the expert believes. — Per­son­ally, I have no doubt that Geor­gia only deals with the intro­duc­tion of its spies and recruit Russ­ian citizens.

A mem­ber of the secu­rity com­mit­tee Ana­toly Elected even promised accord­ing to their abil­ity to con­nect to the inves­ti­ga­tion of the “Cau­casian fund.”

– Doc­u­ments of which you speak, like the truth. Real friendly moves by Geor­gia and the U.S., we do not see, their goal is to make Russ­ian state, which can be con­trolled, — the Elected.

Jamestown Foun­da­tion has repeat­edly demon­strated its inter­est in Geor­gia and the state of affairs in Russia’s North Cau­ca­sus. In 2007, the Foun­da­tion held a sem­i­nar “The Future of Ingushetia,” which was attended by for­mer fight­ers of Aslan Maskhadov.

In March 2010, the Jamestown Foun­da­tion asked the IOC to not hold the Olympic Games in Sochi, cit­ing the tragic events of the Cau­casian War of XIX century.

In 2011, polit­i­cal sci­en­tists Fund pre­dicted that Geor­gia in the com­ing year will take a lead­ing role in the Cau­ca­sus and Rus­sia will be seri­ous com­pe­ti­tion as a “regional leader”.

The Russ­ian For­eign Min­istry has repeat­edly responded to the ongo­ing pol­icy of the fund, hand­ing over a protest note to U.S. in Moscow.”

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So who is “The Jamestown Foundation”?

“The Jamestown Foun­da­tion is a long-standing front oper­a­tion for the CIA, it being founded, in part, by CIA direc­tor William Casey in 1984. The orga­ni­za­tion was used as an employer for high-ranking Soviet bloc defec­tors, includ­ing the Soviet Under­sec­re­tary Gen­eral of the UN Arkady Shevchenko and Roman­ian intel­li­gence offi­cial Ion Pacepa. The Russ­ian domes­tic Fed­eral Secu­rity Bureau and the SVR for­eign intel­li­gence agency have long sus­pected Jamestown of help­ing to foment rebel­lions in Chech­nya, Ingushetia, and other north Cau­ca­sus republics. The March 21 Tbil­isi con­fer­ence on the north Cau­ca­sus a few days before the Moscow train bomb­ings has obvi­ously added to the sus­pi­cions of the FSB and SVR.

Jamestown’s board includes such Cold War era indi­vid­u­als as Mar­cia Car­lucci; wife of Frank Car­lucci, the for­mer CIA offi­cer, Sec­re­tary of Defense, and Chair­man of The Car­lyle Group [Frank Car­lucci was also one of those who requested the U.S. gov­ern­ment to allow for­mer Chechen Repub­lic ‘For­eign Min­is­ter’ Ilyas Akhmadov, accused by the Rus­sians of ter­ror­ist ties, to be granted polit­i­cal asy­lum in the U.S. after a veto from the Home­land Secu­rity and Jus­tice Depart­ments], anti-Communist book and mag­a­zine pub­lisher Alfred Reg­n­ery; and Cas­par Weinberger’s Deputy Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense for Pub­lic Affairs Kath­leen Troia «KT» McFar­land. Also on the board is for­mer Okla­homa GOP Gov­er­nor Frank Keat­ing, the gov­er­nor at the time of the 1995 Mur­rah Fed­eral Build­ing bomb­ing.”

This is not to say that The Boston bombing was some kind of CIA or U.S. intelligence plot.
What it may indicate however, is that the bombing may be “Blowback” from U.S. right wing groups that have been meddling in the North Caucasus region in attempts to destabilize the Russian government.

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