Royal Family Feud As Prince Harry Hints at Diana’s Assassination

January 10, 2020


In an amazing interview, Prince Harry has said he and his wife Meghan Markle are leaving the Royal Family for their safety. Harry states in the interview his concerns for his family’s protection with regard to the death of his mother, Princess Diana.

“‘My husband is planning an accident in my car’
Those haunting words were found on a leaked letter by Princess Diana before her deadly car crash in 1997.
Now there are new allegations and details that suggest an elite British SAS unit may have been involved. From “The Mail Online” (Details to follow)

I believe this is what Prince Harry is eluding to in this interview, where he mentions his mother’s death and “If you knew what I know you would do what I am doing as well”.

Here is a sampling of an article I put together in 2013 with eyewitness testimony of how the assassination of Princess Diana went down, embeds in original at this link:

And here is the text of that article:

“What happened over the next two minutes is central to a new probe by Scotland Yard into an astonishing claim from an SAS sniper, known as Soldier N, that members of his elite regiment assassinated Diana seconds after the Mercedes sped at 63mph into the notoriously dangerous Pont d’Alma road tunnel.”
“Crucially, my investigations show that the paparazzi who supposedly hounded Diana to her death were not even in the Pont d’Alma tunnel at the time of the car crash.
They also reveal how a high-powered black motorbike — which did not belong to any of the paparazzi — shot past Diana’s Mercedes in the tunnel.
Eyewitnesses say its rider and pillion passenger deliberately caused the car to crash.
In addition, my inquiries unearthed the existence of a shadowy SAS unit that answers to MI6, as well as the names of two MI6 officers who were linked by a number of sources to Diana’s death.”
“Rumours were circulating, too, that the Princess was pregnant. Photographs of her in a leopard-print swimsuit, on holiday in the South of France 14 days earlier, show an unmistakable bump around her waistline.
And, as the Mail revealed after Diana’s death, she had visited — in the strictest secrecy — a leading London hospital for a pregnancy scan just before that photo was snapped.
To add to the disquiet, the mother of a future King of England and head of the Church of England was threatening to move abroad with her Muslim boyfriend and take the royal Princes, William and Harry, with her.”
“Dodi had bought an estate, once owned by film star Julie Andrews, by the beach in Malibu, California, and shown Diana a video of it. He told her the sumptuous house was where they would spend their married life.
Ostracised by the Royal Family and stripped of her HRH title, Diana was said to be excited by the prospect.
Dodi’s father, Mohamed Al Fayed, the multi-millionaire former owner of Harrods, insists Diana was pregnant by his son and preparing to tell the young Princes about her forthcoming marriage when she returned to Britain on September 1 — the day after the crash — before they went back to boarding school.”

“Yet that Mercedes was definitely being hotly pursued when in the tunnel. The independent witnesses insist it was being followed not only by the black motorbike, but by two speeding cars, a dark saloon and a white turbo Fiat Uno.

There is no evidence to link these cars or the motorcycle to the paparazzi who had been waiting at the Ritz.
The saloon tail-gated the Mercedes, which made the chauffeur — thinking, wrongly, he was being pursued by paparazzi — drive even faster and more erratically. Meanwhile, the Uno accelerated, clipping the side of the Mercedes to push it to one side.

This maneuver allowed the black motorbike to speed past Diana’s car, with its two riders wearing helmets that hid their faces.
Witnesses claim that when the bike was about 15ft in front of the car, there was a fierce flash of white light from the motorbike. The suggestion is that this came from a laser beam carried by the pillion passenger and directed at the car.
The witnesses’ view is that the flash of light blinded Henri Paul temporarily. It was followed by a loud bang as the limousine swerved violently before slamming into the 13th pillar in the tunnel and being reduced to a mass of wrecked metal.
One of those eyewitnesses, a French harbour pilot driving ahead of the Mercedes through the tunnel, watched the scene in his rear-view mirror.
Chillingly, he recalls the black motorbike stopping after the crash and one of the riders jumping off the bike before going to peer in the Mercedes window at the passengers.
The rider, who kept his helmet on, then turned to his compatriot on the bike and gave a gesture used informally in the military (where both arms are crossed over the body and then thrown out straight to each side) to indicate ‘mission accomplished’.
Afterwards, he climbed back on the motorcycle, which raced off out of the tunnel. The riders on the bike, and the vehicle itself, have never been identified.
The harbour pilot, whose wife was with him in the car, has described the horrifying scenario as resembling a ‘terrorist attack’.”


Here’s more from “Channel 4 News”:

Exclusive: As police investigate claims that the British military may have been involved in the death of Princess Diana, Channel 4 News has seen the letter in question.


“The letter, written in 2011 by the parents-in-law of an unidentified SAS soldier known only as Soldier N, includes a claim that the SAS may have been involved with the death of Princess Diana.
Channel 4 News has seen the letter in connection with the second court martial of another SAS soldier, sniper Sgt Danny Nightingale who was found guilty of illegally possessing a gun and ammunition.
The focus of the letter is about the man who went on to be Sgt Danny Nightingale’s housemate and who was also one of the Service Prosecuting Authority’s (SPA) key witnesses at the Nightingale court martial, Soldier N.”
It is understood that during the trial the letter was handed to the SPA and sections which mentioned names or identifying details were redacted before it was released to the court.
In the letter, the parents-in-law of Soldier N begged the commanding officer of the SAS to intervene as Soldier N was allegedly threatening to kill them and intimidate their daughter.
The parents-in-law also wrote about the circumstances surrounding Princess Diana’s death, saying: “He also told her [the daughter] that it was the XXX who arranged Princess Diana’s death and that has been covered up.”
“It alleges that Soldier N had admitted to the family that he had killed women and children during his time in the SAS: “He insists on telling us about his killing escapades whilst working in his job. How he has killed women and children and a priest, whose big toe kept on wiggling although he was dead.”


It seems pretty damned obvious that Harry is freaked out that He and Meghan might be killed also.
The Royal bloodline has faced a challenge, first from Dodi Fayed – note that Diana appeared pregnant – as well as Meghan Markle, also a person of color.

Here is some of the outrage and reaction:

“Considering the fact Meghan Markle and Prince Harry did not consult the royal family before making the announcement, according to the BBC, it’s unknown what this could mean for their relationship with the monarch moving forward.

“This was a bombshell,” the royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams told Insider. “It was very irresponsible not to consult the Queen and senior royals and to act before all this had been carefully planned.”

“It’s going rogue, doing things their way and at a considerable cost to the institution Harry was brought up to serve,” he added.”


“Meghan and Harry’s royal step back will massively backfire,” Eric Schiffer, a brand-management expert, told Insider.

“Revolutionizing history means destroying core family values, which splinters the citizen connection. Running from the bloodline responsibilities won’t recover a reputation but rather ruin it.”

This comes as reports suggest the couple did not consult the royal family before releasing their statement on Wednesday evening.”


This simple statement from Prince Harry should tell us how the world really works.
He knows the assassination of his mother, Princess Diana, was planned by the Royal Family and military intelligence.

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